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Until 1870, the Popes ruled their states like any other monarch. The Bible teaches (in Revelation 17) that they will certainly regain this temporal power. They have regained much of it already. Therefore, the warnings below should be heeded. They are not grounds for childish cruelty or hatred of the Catholic people. They are warnings against a wicked SYSTEM of religion and politics. The Christian reader will ignore these warnings to his or her own peril, in this life, and at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
ALEXANDER HAMILTON: "...they may as well establish Popery in New York and the other colonies as they did in Canada. They had no right to do it there than here. Your lives, your property, your religion, are all at stake." ("Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress")
Catholicism was seen to be incompatible with Republican government. In 1787, Alexander Hamilton urged the New York State assembly to allow Catholics full voting rights based on the fact that they had little power remaining in Europe. Yet, as can be seen by the quotes below, "toleration" for Catholics in voting rights never meant to these founding fathers that U.S. citizens should cease, or had to cease, from warning against the system.
JOHN ADAMS (1735-1826): John Adams was the 2nd President, the 1st Vice President, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He writes:
"I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits....Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the Gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited damnation on earth and in Hell, it is this society of Loyola's. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum." (Letter to Thomas Jefferson, May 5, 1816)
"Do you think a Protestant Popedom is annihilated in America? Do you recollect, or have you ever attended to the ecclesiastical Strifes in Maryland Pennsylvania, New York, and every part of New England? What a mercy it is that these People cannot whip and crop, and pillory and roast, AS YET in the U.S.! If they could they would." (Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 18 May 1817)
"Do you know that The General of the Jesuits and consequently all his Hosts have their Eyes on this Country?" (Letter to Thomas Jefferson, 18 May 1817)
"Can a free government possibly exist with the Roman Catholic religion?" (Letter to Thomas Jefferson, May 19, 1821)
SAMUEL F. B. MORSE: I do not have the space or time in this issue to present a case for Lincoln against Catholicism and the Jesuits. Therefore, I will simply mention Lincoln's friend, S. F. B. Morse. Morse was a premillennialist. He was the inventor of the telegraph and the Morse Code. His book "Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States" (1835) follows the logic of Frederick Schlegel of Austria who declared that monarchy and Catholicism are inseparable. His book states:
"The author undertakes to show - that a conspiracy against the liberties of this Republic is now in full action, under the direction of the wily Prince Metternich of Austria, who knowing the impossibility of obliterating this troublesome example of a great and free nation by force of arms, is attempting to accomplish his object through the agency of an army of Jesuits. This array of facts and arguments going to prove the existence of such a conspiracy, will astonish any man who opens book with the same incredulity as we did."
JOSEPH S. VAN DYKE ("Popery: The Foe of the Church and of the Republic," Peoples Publishing, 1871):
Although we could code from scores of late 19th century works that issue warnings to Americans against Catholicism, I will close this section with some quotes from Joseph S. Van Dyke:
"The deep interest awakened in the hearts of many by the present condition and reawakened energies of the Papal Church, is our apology for presuming to call the attention of the public to Popery's inveterate hostility to civil and religious liberty...Rome has never yielded her right to temporal rule. The unparalleled efforts now made to extend her influence are instigated by the hope of securing control in the political world. We need, therefore, a reaffirmation of the lesson written in the struggles of thirteen centuries, that Romanism is the ally of despotism...."
"...Romanists are aiming at power in this country...The aspirations of the Papacy in all countries during its entire history of thirteen centuries have been to become dominant in the state. And we can scarcely hope that an infallible Church will change its character at this late day. If the power for which they toil so arduously is acquired, there can be no doubt the results...our free Bible, free schools, and free press will be things of the past. Possibly some Protestants with a smile of contempt may affirm, 'Romanism, at least in this country, is a friend of liberty.' Let them point, however, to the country or the time in which Popery has not opposed a will of iron to all free institutions. A Catholic paper in St. Louis said, not many years since: 'We are not advocates of religious toleration except in cases of necessity.'"
"Facts like these, and numerous others which might be adduced, make it but too painfully evident that there is more than an idle boast in the assertion of the 'Catholic World,' that 'The question put to us a few years since with a smile of incredulity and pity, 'Do you believe that this country will ever become Catholic?' is changed into the question, 'How soon do you think it will come to pass?' Soon, very soon, we reply, if statistics be true...The Bishop of Cincinnati said, in 1866: 'Effectual plans are in operation to give us the complete victory over Protestantism.' Another bishop affirms: 'Notwithstanding the Government of the United States has thought fit to adopt a complete indifference towards all religions, yet, the time is coming when the Catholics will have the ascendancy.'"
"If Papists conquered Rome, why may they not conquer America? Is it so utterly impossible that the next generation should witness the supremacy of Romanism that we can afford to fold our arms in ease? Possessing the balance of power between the two political parties, demanding favorable legislation as the condition of support, and wielding political power in some of our largest cities, Popery is a foe whose giant strength it is folly to underestimate...Under the banner of civil liberty Rome may possibly bind upon us the fetters of spiritual despotism."
"Tyrants, the more effectually to secure power, have ever professed supreme regard for man's highest interests."
"That the Roman Church is nothing less than a conspiracy against liberty, personal and national, civil and religious, we firmly believe. Being the twin sister to despotism, she ever has been, and is now, most bitterly hostile to freedom of conscience, freedom of press..."
"[Jesuits] pretend to love our from of government, to laud our liberty, and to wish for us a future of this very time, Father Hecker dares to stand before an audience of American freemen, and affirm, 'We Catholics are the truest, the best, the only firm friends of civil liberty, which is the gift of our Church to the world."
"The 'Catholic World' (endorsed by the highest dignitaries of Rome, including the Pope himself), in the leading article of July, 1870, entitled 'The Catholic of the Nineteenth Century,' asserts in unmistakable language the supreme duty of the Papists to obey the commands of the Pope, and seek, in every way, and especially by means of the ballot, to render the Papal policy effective in this country."
"Nor has Romanism shown less hostility to another principle of our national life, the separation of Church and State...Almost every Pope for the last thousand years has pronounced it a 'damnable heresy.' Schleigel, a member of the Leopold Foundation, in lecturing to the crowned heads of Europe with the design of showing the mutual supports which Popery and monarchy lend to and receive from each other, said: - 'Church and State must always be united, and it is essential to the existence of each that a Pope be at the head of the one, and an Emperor at the head of the other...Protestantism and Republicanism is the cause and source of all the discords, and disorders and wars of Europe.' (Vol.iii. Lect. 17, p. 286.)...It must certainly be evident to every one of our fellow-citizens that where the principles and spirit of Popery attain full power, Republicanism must soon perish..."
"The 'Catholic World,' a monthly magazine published in New York, actually has the hardihood to affirm (June, 1870) that Catholicism ha sever shown itself the guardian of civilization, the friend of liberty, the advocate of Republican forms of government....And the same periodical denounces, in unmeasured terms, the civilization of the present day, defends the Crusades, advocates the dogma of Infallibility....Does warmth of devotion to the cause of Republicanism such as this enkindle a flame on liberty's altar? Do we broil our beefsteak by the glowing fires of an artic iceberg? Shall we entrust the cause we love to the hands of its enemies?"
"The Jesuit order, which has been revived and inspired with new energy, is straining every nerve to enlarge its numbers and secure a controlling influence in legislation, especially in these United States, with the hope of ultimately bringing them under Papal domination. True to their principles - deceitful always - they laud the liberty of our country while forging the weapons for its destruction."
"'The Shepherd of the Valley,' a Catholic paper published in St. Louis, with the approbation of the archbishop, says: 'We say that the temporal punishment of heresy is a mere question of expediency. Where we abstain from persecuting them, they are well aware that it is merely because we cannot do so; or think that by doing so we should injure the cause that we wish to serve....If the Catholics ever gain - which they surely will do - an immense numerical majority, religious freedom in this country is at an end. So say our enemies, so we believe.'"
As we pray and strive to save unborn babies, we must not foolishly endanger the lives of the children out of the womb by empowering Rome in this nation. It should be obvious to everyone today (regardless of campaign platforms and promises) that both the Democratic and Republican parties are friends of mammoth government, homosexuality, and abortion. They are also in bed with Roman Catholicism, which is no friend to true religious or civil liberties. In fact, as we shall see, Catholicism is so seductively entrenched in American politics that even the so-called "far right" and third party platforms are often infested with loyal papists. Thus, with subtle, Jesuit maneuvering, regardless of who is elected, Rome ultimately wins the power to continue her assault on liberty.
The reason for this state of affairs is largely due to the now common belief that "tolerance" means that people are no longer allowed to have any degree of DISTRUST based on a person's associations or religious beliefs. People ARE encouraged to stereotype Christian fundamentalists and paint them as Nazis, etc. Yet, it is considered a "hate crime" to be suspicious of people who are loyal papists (or Muslims), and call attention to the fact that the Roman Catholic Church has never given up its claim that it has the right to rule the earth spiritually, politically and temporally. But the stage must be set for Revelation 17. And unless God allows us a temporary revival in this country (a fundamental awakening of common sense and love for Bible truth), the country is destined for a Roman Catholic controlled despotism.
Let us now notice the degree of Roman Catholic saturation in modern politics. To fully understand this list, please slowly read the historic warnings in the first part of this newsletter.
TOM RIDGE: The most recent star to shine for the papal throne is Tom Ridge, a Roman Catholic from Pennsylvania:
"He attended local Catholic schools before winning a scholarship to Harvard University from where he graduated with a degree in Government Studies in 1967....he refused to follow the Roman Catholic Church's doctrine on abortion, supporting a limited form of abortion rights...." (BBC News, Nov. 25, 2002)
Some lay Catholics wanted Ridge excommunicated for breaking his promises concerning abortion when he was elected governor. However, the Catholic CLERGY opposed the movement. President Bush has appointed Ridge to be the new "homeland security chief" to save the nation from "terrorism":
"Head of Homeland Security - First Day as New Anti-Terror Chief....Ridge's office will be steps away from President Bush's. He will be one of the select few officials participating in top-level war council meetings every day as he oversees domestic efforts to prevent terrorist actions. Bush and his new homeland security chief have been political and personal friends for more than 20 years..."(ABCNews, Oct. 8, 2002)
The power newly placed in the hands of Ridge to trample over the Constitution in the name of security is baffling to the mind. Is it really possible, after the bloody history of the Roman INQUISITION, that such power could be given to a Roman Catholic without a national outcry? Let us pray the Lord will convert him to liberty preserving Christianity (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
PAT BUCHANAN: Pat Buchanan (b. 1938) is a devout Roman Catholic. He was a Reform Party presidential candidate in 2000. The US Taxpayers Party (now Constitution Party) intended him to run as their 1996 nominee, but Buchanan stayed with the GOP. He has been associated with the Catholic Campaign for America organization. His loyalty to Rome may be seen in the following interview:
"What kind of Catholic are you?' [Buchanan:] 'A believing Catholic, a practicing Catholic and a PAPIST. I think John Paul II is a singular leader of our time. He's immensely attractive and charismatic, but more than that, he speaks out with a sense of authority and moral courage. I think he's a genuinely great man, really a gift of God to the Church." ("Our Sunday Visitor," August 28, 1988)
In 1996, "Catholic Family News" wrote:
"As a faithful son of Holy Mother Church, Pat Buchanan has drawn extensively from these immortal papal encyclicals. They form the very bedrock for his political agenda." (May, 1996)
ALAN KEYES: In 1995, Keyes became the first black Republican presidential candidate. He is a devout Roman Catholic. He calls the separation of church and state a "misinterpretation of the Constitution." But what does Keyes mean by "church"? Catholics have never believed in the separation of church and state! Our Constitution was written to hinder their efforts at producing a Roman Catholic "state church" in America. We do not side with atheists. The Constitution was not intended to prohibit the public exercise and expression of Christianity. However, we are not so gullible as to join hands with Roman Catholics in setting the stage for Revelation 17. In 2000, the Constitution Party invited Keyes to join their efforts: "We warmly invite Ambassador Keyes, and all those who love liberty and justice, to join with us in building a party that will unreservedly work towards the restoration of our beloved republic." Notice the following news report:
"As former US Ambassador Alan Keyes continues his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, there are overtures from the Constitution Party beckoning the former ambassador to break with the GOP. 'USA Today' reported Monday that Keyes 'is ready to join the Constitution Party' if Republican Party presumptive presidential nominee George W. Bush 'chooses a running mate who does not oppose abortion.' Constitution Party candidate Howard Phillips reportedly 'is ready to step aside' if Keyes decides to run on his party's platform. Phillips, who describes himself as a 'close' friend of Keyes, says, 'I'm open to discussing anything he (Keyes) would want to do..." (, May 23, 2000)
Call me a literalist, but I take people according to their profession. What do DEVOUT Catholics have in common with our Constitution? If they publicly state that they disagree with Rome, and repudiate their doctrines in the area of civil and religious liberty, then that is one thing. But to just pretend that there is no contradiction between Rome and the Constitution is insanity. Madness is often fashionable. I do not believe that Catholics should be persecuted. Yet, this does not mean that I must agree with them. It also doesn't mean that I must ignore that they are a political entity headquartered in Rome with a desire to regain lost power in spiritual and civil affairs. To ignore common sense and the Bible (Revelation 17) to appear "tolerant" is foolish and irresponsible.
JOSEPH SOBRAN: Joseph Sobran was born in Michigan in 1946. He is a devout Catholic. He was invited to join the staff of Buckley's National Review. He was nominated unanimously to be the Constitution Party's Vice Presidential candidate (he later resigned). Although conservative, he is no friend to truth if it happens to be negative against the popes. He writes:
"The scandal of pedophile priests and systematic coverup by bishops threatens to be the worst scandal the Church has faced in centuries, maybe the worst since the Reformation. It's far worse than some of the old malicious lies of scurrilous anti-Catholic literature." (, 3-28-02) On another occasion, Sorban observed:
"What is startling is the perpetual passion of anti-Catholicism. You'd think that by now people who reject Catholicism would calmly ignore its teachings as old and irrelevant superstitions. After all, the Church has none of her old political power, adherence is now totally voluntary, and she has enough trouble getting her own children to listen to her."(
Catholic writer Malachi Martin would have disagreed (see "The Keys of This Blood"). Before his death, Martin was working on what he said would be his most important book. It was entitled "Primacy: How the Institutional Roman Catholic Church became a Creature of the New World Order." The Vatican takes an aggressive stance at the United Nations in debates and international conferences:
"[Bush stated] 'The position of my administration will be very clear and firm: America supports permanent observer status for the Holy See.'...The Vatican, classified as a nonmember state with permanent observer status, has many of the same rights and privileges as the 188 countries that are full U.N. members."("USAToday," May 26, 2000)
The Vatican is the only religious group provided this special standing. Other denominational groups are treated as NGOs.
KEITH FOURNIER Keith Fournier is a Roman Catholic deacon and lawyer. He is the author of "A House United: Evangelicals and Catholics Together." He writes:
"Some Christians question his [the current Pope's] position as successor to Saint Peter - I do not. Others question his theology - I do not. But no one can question his love for Jesus Christ and deep commitment to proclaiming the gospel. I believe he is the leading evangelical Christian in the world."("Evangelical Catholics")
He was the executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice. The ACLJ has been the "religious liberty" arm of the Christian Coalition. Like Keyes, Fournier, as a devout Catholic, maintains:
"The wall of separation between church and state that was erected by secular humanists and other enemies of religious freedom has to come down." ("Law and Justice")
I continue to remind the reader that what Rome means by "religious liberty" is not the same as what early Baptists believed when they labored for the first amendment.
The Christian Coalition established the Catholic Alliance in 1995. In 1996, Fournier became the first president. He is also president of Liberty, Life and Family Institute.
PAUL WEYRICH: In 1977, Weyrich (a Catholic deacon) became the president of the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation. He is the founding president of the Heritage Foundation. He was presented the 1998 American Patriot Award from Concerned Women for America, September 1998. Named by Regardie's Magazine as "One of the 100 most powerful Washingtonians," in January 1990.
OTHERS: The traditional, Christian, conservative view of the Roman Catholic Church has always been that until it publicly changes its doctrines and brings forth fruits meet for repentance (it will not SINCERELY do so according to Revelation 17) it is a great threat to religious and civil liberties. Phyllis Schlafly (of Eagle Forum), Catholic activist William Bennett, William F. Buckley (editor of "National Review"), and many other Roman Catholics are working hard to reshape this traditional viewpoint. They have largely succeeded. Let us sound the alarm.