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The New Inquisiton

“And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.” Revelation 9:3

March 4, 2002 —I received a call an hour ago from my friend and publisher, Tony, up in Detroit. It appears that the religious Pharisees of the day are more fervent about muting my message than I had first thought. I was not surprised when we were shunned by the “Christian” publishing entities and the “Christian” bookstores regarding the sales of my new book: A Perilous Time. So-called “christian” booksellers are not above selling New Age and other heretical books, but they cannot have anyone challenging the legitimacy of the state-sponsored “church” in America. The “church” is their livelihood. They do really well with the TBN books from Benny Hinn and T.D. Jakes that teach people that they are “little gods” and “just like Jesus”, but the truth as presented by the Apostles and many of the reformers is no longer welcome.

But, I was a bit surprised when Tony informed me that the radio station in Detroit (WLQV “Victory 1500”) has refused to run our paid advertising, because they claim that they are not comfortable with the fact that we “criticize other ministries”.

This “don’t criticize other ministries” has become the mantra of the Prophecy Club and its ecclesiastical Pope, Stan Johnson. It has to be his mantra. It is the only self-defense he has against his blasphemy and heresy. Isn’t it interesting that his public mantra of “don’t criticize” is not matched by his back door phone calls and personal slanders. They are mad because I say what I say publicly. I wonder whose side Jesus is on? I wonder when Jesus called the Pharisees liars, hypocrites and sons of the devil who it was that brought charges of “criticizing” against Him.

Just in case you’re interested, the Apostle Paul called the lying ministers of his day, “false apostles” and “ravening wolves”. He would have been really amused at the “don’t criticize gospel” being preached by the liars and deceivers of today.

Stan has been on a relentless jihad to thwart and blunt my message since I exposed the financial chicanery involved with his prophecy/prosperity business late last summer. It all started for us when we had planned a meeting in Portland, Oregon last October. The Prophecy Club had ceased doing meetings in Portland at the time, and I was invited by a dear friend to come and speak. My friend paid for the rental on the meeting room, and purchased the radio airtime (at the going rate) for the advertisements to let people know I would be there. Apparently some of Stan’s sycophants heard the ad and called Stan to warn him that I was going to be in one of “his cities”. Stan called the radio station and the hotel, telling them I was a “shady character” and that they should boot me. His evil backroom machinations did not work. We had a standing room only crowd for 3 ½ hours and it was an awesome meeting.

When I was in Detroit two months ago, Stan again tried the intimidation act on the Detroit radio station, but again – it didn’t work. On to Omaha, where Stan called the Radio Station owner, once again telling him that I was a “shady character” and that they should not run my radio ads. Too bad, they not only ran my ads, but I had a 30 minute live interview on the radio station. Once again, we had a full house, while the Prophecy Club meeting down the hall had a handful of people in a room set up for 250.

Now we see that he has finally succeeded in bullying one of the radio stations into bowing to his wishes. It is just more evidence against the powerful monetary interests behind the corporate “jesus” being pushed today. The same radio station that has no problem running messages from Stan who sells you “your anointing” at his crusades, and who started a recent newsletter with the statement that “God is changing all the time”, has a problem with MY ministry!

John Yinger, the owner/manager of the station has stated that he would not allow my radio ads specifically because I “criticize other ministries”. He further added that he had a set standard and would pull any other ministry off the air who broke that standard. When he was informed that one of his most popular radio shows Watchman on the Wall with Noah Hutchings is a ministry that exposes false “christian” ministries, and that over the last several days Hutchings had been exposing the New Age ecumenical ties of Billy Graham – Yinger backpedaled, stammered and said… “This is my radio station and I’m not afraid of Michael Bunker” and hung up the phone. Afraid of Michael Bunker? I’m just a little man with no voice who lives in a trailer out in the Texas desert. I have almost no financial support and I don’t even have a vehicle to travel in. They are the ones with the money and the media and the antichrist agenda. Why would they be afraid of me?

John Yinger and WLQV supports and airs radio shows like Kenneth Hagin- Voice of Faith, who states categorically that Jesus had to go to hell where he had to be born-again. He claims that once you are born again you are “just like Jesus” and can do anything and everything that Jesus did. WLQV supports and airs female prosperity “pastors” like Kate Mcvey and Joyce Meyer. Strangely enough, though WLQV airs the Noah Hutchings radio show, as Noah rightfully exposes Billy Graham, Yinger also airs Billy Graham’s “Hour of Decision” on the weekends. Billy Graham is on videotape stating that millions of people will go to heaven who never knew the name Jesus Christ.

So it is evident that WLQV airs numerous shows that are either heretical, or they openly criticize other ministries. But Michael Bunker has been banned from the air?

Just as in the days of the Inquisition, when liars and soul murderers roamed the land to make sure that people didn’t receive a Bible in the “vulgar” tongue of the masses, and that the message of freedom in Christ Jesus was not heard, the new prophets of profit are just as willing to make sure that the spiritually retarded masses don’t accidentally hear about the apostasy of the last days Laodecian church.

But I am a warrior by nature. The problem is that the enemy is claiming ownership of the battlefield, and the remnant Christians who are called by HIS name, rarely show up to the battle. Shall we go peck a foit? (pick a fight –from Braveheart)

These fiends will not give in, and they will most likely NOT decide to run our ads. But I have every intention of making their evil deeds known. First of all I would like you to forward this article to everyone you know. Then I would like you to print it out and give it to the people who don’t have a computer. THEN I want you to do the most important thing you can do: I would like you to call John Yinger and Stan Johnson and tell them what you think about their tactics. The bible says that we are to confront those who are in blatant and obvious error – here is your chance. I would like you to tell them that we are done with their back room deals, their heresies and their private slanders. I would like you to tell them that they will NOT succeed in shutting down the voices of the real remnant of TRUE Christians in this country. We will only be silenced by them when they kill us!

John Yinger – WLQV Detroit: 1-248-477-4600

Stan Johnson – Prophecy Club 1-800-769-8025

I would also like you to contact everyone you know who might know someone who can get to the Detroit meeting on Friday March the 8th, and tell them to get out to that meeting. These evil men will not triumph. Stop listening to their heresies. Turn their radio shows off! But call them and tell them that you are doing it.

They can sue me and they can use all of their Mafia tactics to try to shut me up. But I will NEVER bow the knee to these devils. NEVER. They can get the 700 Club and the other apostates to push their implanted chips and common I.D.’s, but we will NEVER accept their ANTICHRIST! One thing EVERY one of these liars has in common is that they all support G.W. Bush, his Homeland Security apparatus and they oncoming Common I.D./Mark. That is why they hate Michael Bunker.

Now is the time for all of us to rise up and make absolutely certain that the world knows that we stand with JESUS CHRIST our Savior and we will stand as overcomers until the end.

I am your servant in Christ Jesus,

Michael Bunker


Lazarus Unbound