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There is a beast in Revelation that appears three times. It has seven heads
and ten horns. In chapter 12 it has crowns on its heads, in chapter 13 it has
crowns on its horns but in chapter 17 it has no crowns at all. The distinction
is subtle but it speaks volumes.
Remember, there are only seven beasts in the apocalypse. These three almost
seven headed beasts represent the fourth, fifth and seventh (the eighth). They
are Rome in three successive eras ... the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire
and the present revived Holy Roman Empire, the E.C.
The crowns on the seven heads of the fourth beast (Ch. 12) represent the imperial power of the Caesars. The crowns on the ten horns of the fifth beast (Ch. 13) under the little horn represent the Papal rule over the ten kings of Europe ending in 1798. The eighth beast (Ch. 17) has no crowns on its thirteen horns, for in our age the monarchies of Europe have ended and America is a republic.
The Illuminati, Masonic pit beast sought to overthrow all kings. This subterranean power emerged in the French Revolution where the King and Queen of France were dramatically beheaded. It continued to stir up discontent until another upheaval tottered the crowns of Europe in 1848.
But it was World War I that brought an end to the royal houses. The Kings of Prussia, Austria-Hungary and Russia were either murdered or driven into exile. And the Ottoman Empire, long known as “the weak man of the East” came to an end.
final blow to monarchy came in 1992 when the Queen of England gave up her sovereignty
and became a mere citizen of Europe. The age of kings quietly ended and the
age of socialism and the rule of the people arrived.
The eighth beast is the sea, pit and land beast ….three beasts in one. The sea beast has ten horns and a little horn, the land beast has two horns. But, unlike the previous beasts, the pit beast, which is the eighth, has no visible head or sovereign. It has no horns.
Ever since the French Revolution, a legion of writers have attempted to expose the shadowy figures that head the pit beast. Conspiracy theories grew exponentially after 1992. Everyone seemed to know that the visible heads of government were mere puppets. And everyone had a different idea who was pulling the strings. This new beast was a mystery…Mystery Babylon.
The New World Order revived the Holy Roman Empire with its blue gold starred flag. The ten horns of the sea beast had now lost their crowns, but they agreed to give their power to the pit beast “one hour” (Rev 17:12, 13). The expression one hour can be interpreted “at one time” as dramatically took place with the formation of the E.C. in 1992.
The decline of kings didn’t begin with the French Revolution. This was just the final chapter of the story of the gentile world kingdoms from Daniel’s vision. Nebuchadrezzar was an absolute monarch but, the Persian kings had limitations. They could not rescind a law once written as Daniel discovered in the lions pit. The Greeks introduced a form of democracy with their city-states.
Rome had its Senate and the kings of the Holy Roman Empire were loosely governed by the Papacy. The United States introduced republican government. The Illuminati, Masonic beast however has neither monarch nor a visible head. Absolutism declines in each successive empire until now it appears to have ended completely. But, the headless beast has a hidden hand that rules through propaganda and financial intrigue.
Gold, silver, brass, iron and clay are the symbols of the empires which successively reigned since the fall of Jerusalem in 604 B.C. Each metal is less valuable than the one before. Babylon was the golden empire, Persia merely silver. The eighteenth century was the “gilded” age of kings. But the last courts of Europe at the brink of World War I were merely tinsel. They sparkled but had little worth.
As the seven gentile empires decline in absolutism and regal splendor they increase in strength. The eighth beast is strongest but it has no crowns, no sparkle. It will wage war against the Lamb (Rev17:14). But it will be destroyed by another object of even less value and greater strength…a stone. This will be a kingdom of unimagined splendor. Even its streets will be of gold and its King will reign with a rod of iron.