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Federalism: The Antichrist of Revelation

And there was given me a reed like unto a rod. And the angel stood saying: Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein." [Revelation 11:1]

Since this is a prophecy, and since this prophecy is filled with symbology galore, then it is certain, in my opinion, that this reed is also a symbol. But what could that symbol be? “Their line is gone out through all the Earth,” David wrote. [Psalms 19:4] This word translated ‘line’ can also be translated ‘rule’ meaning a device to measure. In this instance of David’s writing, he is speaking about God’s Word having gone out through all the Earth and, by using the synonym ‘line,’ implies that God’s Word is a ruler by which to measure. So also in another of David’s Psalms does he speak of God’s Word being a measuring rod. ”The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength.” [Psalms 110:2] Here, the ‘rod’ is referring to Christ Jesus and, as John tells us, in his gospel, Christ Jesus is the Word of God. Paul, in the epistle to the Galatians, writes: “As many as walk according to this rule.” [Galatians 6:16] Here, Paul is referring to the Word of God and calls it a rule, meaning a measuring device. So it is in Revelation 11:1 that we find “a reed like unto a rod” is referring to the Word of God as in these other three instances.

But what about the outward court? Why was John not to measure it? “This outward court, or the worshippers in it, intend a distinct set of worshippers from the internal worshippers--the priests of God in the temple, altar, and inner court, and from the Gentiles, the Papists. [These] are no other than carnal Protestants, the bulk of the reformed churches, who have only the name but not the nature of living Christians, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Are Jews outwardly but not inwardly and worship only in an external manner. Attend to outward forms and ceremonies but know nothing of true doctrine, pure worship, or spiritual religion. Which are numerous as the worshippers in the outward court whom are meant the Papists. Who are no other than paganized Christians, having introduced a great deal of Gentilism into the Divine service...The Pope of Rome...before his utter destruction will regain all his former dominions and be in possession of them at the time of his ruin. The whore of Rome, the Antichristian Babylon [United States] will sit as a queen and promise herself a great deal of peace and pleasure.”

So here we see the introduction of the United States in this Historical elucidation of Scriptures and of the world before the Second Coming of Christ Jesus. This country is under the Roman Papal jurisdiction and our history is full of examples upon which to prove this fact. After the Roman Papist have “tread under foot forty and two months” we will then see how “it is given here to show that the giving of the outward court to his [Antichrist] Gentiles will be towards the expiration of this date [1866].” This is why John was told: “But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not.” [Revelation 11:2a] We are not to know the length of time in history wherein the United States shall reign under the disguised authority of the Catholic Pope, for if we were to know, we would determine the day and the hour of the Second Coming of the Son of God.

But it is my opinion we entered upon the last seventy years of it in 1938 with the beginning of World War Two and that the Kennedy assassination, in 1963, played an important role as he, being the first Catholic the Antichristian Papist placed into the office of President, was instrumental in this Sovereign Plan of God’s Will being fulfilled in history. Further we know that in 1972-1973, the middle of this last seventy years, that the United States changed her political policy towards Israel and that, though on the surface she still appears to be Israel’s friend, this country is selling Israel down the river for a barrel of oil. Likewise, recently shown just prior to 1998, this country brought together the two major enemies in the Middle East and, by pressure, established a peace that is nothing but a cover-up for that betrayal and the continuation of World War Three--which started in the Gulf War of which the Battle of Armageddon is the last confrontation. Presently, the war is on a cease-fire status and, though such is true, a cease-fire does not constitute true peace. Though none of this paragraph can be proven Scripturally, history nonetheless proves it, God does have a Purpose for the United States in His Sovereign Plan and that Purpose is being fulfilled. This country ceased being a Christian nation through the victory of Federalism in 1865 and is fulfilling its Satanic destiny to God’s good pleasure.

"And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city. Which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt--where also our Lord was crucified." [Revelation 11:8]

"The great city! Some say Rome, which may be spiritually called Sodom for its abominations, Egypt for its tyrannous cruelty, and the place where our Lord was crucified, because of its persecution of the members of Christ; but Jerusalem itself may be intended. All these things I must leave to others." This appears to be the traditional interpretation.

However, at this point, it will be noticed a great parting of opinions by myself from those of other Historicists--including Adam Clarke and Dr. Gill, whom I will quote briefly. This event, as Caringola has pointed out, fits into the last days of the world as we know it but, as I depart from the whole of this interpretation, does not wait until the last days to be fulfilled. Rather, it begins in 606 with the rise of Antichrist and lasts for 1,260 years as most Historicists teach. Now if we add these two together, we come to the year 1866. “And the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.” [Revelation 11:2b] “Now this date is not to be reckoned from the outer court being given to the Gentiles but from the first of Antichrist’s reign when the Pope of Rome was declared universal bishop and is only here mentioned to show that the giving of the outward court to his Gentiles will be towards the expiration of this date.” That is, it will be given to the United States of America of which, I shall attempt, to show. This is when the spiritual reign of Antichrist in Rome ended, not completely, but in its peak of power. And though it will again rise for one brief, last hurrah before its complete demise, which I pray the study questions will allow me the opportunity to explain more fully, it was, nonetheless, ended at that time. For its reign, as were the days wherein these two witnesses preached, are of equal time--beginning and ending.

This city spoken of here is “not Jerusalem which was destroyed when John had this vision and which will not be rebuilt at the time [in history] it refers to. Nor is it ever called the ‘great city,’ though the city of the great King; however, not in this book, though the new Jerusalem is so called in chapter 21:10. But that can never be designed here. But the city of Rome, or the Roman jurisdiction, the whole empire of the Romish Antichrist. Which is often called the ‘great city’ in this book. (See chapters 16:19; 17:18; and 18:10, 16, 18, 21.)” And of the term “the great city,” who can deny that the symbolic 20th century American phrase ‘the Big Apple’ is not another way of saying “the Great City?” And who in America does not know that ‘the Big Apple’ is referring to New York City?

Circumstances are such that I no longer have the research material pertaining to what I am about to write so as to footnote and document all I am claiming. Nor, with the passing of time, can I remember exactly from what sources I would draw what particular statements of fact. Therefore, I must rely solely upon my memory as to exactly what the sources claimed, as best as I can with God’s help and trust God will not allow me to write that which is not fact.

The War for Southern Independence, what most brain-washed Americans call the Civil War, officially began in 1861. The armies of the North were sponsored by foreign money placed in New York banks by unscrupulous men whose motives were purely that of greed and wickedness. This money came from two sources: (a) The Catholic church, which is notorious in history for helping other criminals such as Nazi officers escape after World War Two; and, (b) the wealthy members of Judaism, the Jews, who in addition to sponsoring slave running ships for profit, also financially fought against the South--realizing that slavery was by this time a dead market prime for burying. At the conclusion of this war, in 1865, the New York bankers began to reap their vast profits into their storehouse. Both the Jews and the Catholics, who had sponsored the murder of State’s Sovereignty, organized what later became known as the Federal Reserve Board that today controls the money market, by direction of the Committee of Foreign Relations, the wealth of the world. Their major headquarters, though they have other locations for the sake of disguise, is in New York City. The city that became the new headquarters for the Papal Antichrist and his headquarters within such structures as: the Stock Exchange, the United Nations, and St. Peter’s Cathedral.

This is Babylon rebuilt. It fulfills the prophecy of Daniel 11:45. “He shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain. Yet shall come to his end and none shall help him.” This verse refers to the ultimate Antichrist and his re-establishing of his kingdom after the fall of the Roman Papal empire at its peak of 1866. Re-established, I might add, in the country whose national emblem is the Eagle--just as that of Rome. Though for the sake of disguise it appears to remain headquartered in Rome, New York City is the real headquarters for this Beast out of the Earth.

“Now where has God such a mountain of delight, or a people that are the darling of His soul, as here? Where in all the globe is there such a spot where God has so many saints, so many holy ones, as in [the United States]? It may have been truly called a glorious holy mountain. Or a mountain of delight [at one time]. And what place between the seas [the Atlantic and Pacific] is there to which these characters can agree but [the United States]? Here then Antichrist will plant the tabernacles of his palace. [And did so in 1866.] But it will be but a tabernacle or tent. It will be but for a short time as it follows: yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him. Now this great city, in the street of which the bodies of the witnesses will lie exposed, is that which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. That is, it is called so in a mystic and allegoric sense. In distinction from the literal sense. (See 1 Corinthians 10:3-4.)

“It is called Sodom because of the fullness of bread and plenty and abundance of all outward good things in it. [As history of America has shown it to be.] As well as for the pride and idleness of the priests, monks, and friars which swarm in it. Also for the open profaneness and contempt of true and serious religion in it. Particularly for the sin of sodomy. So frequently committed here, with impunity, yea, with allowance and even with commendation. [As witnessed in the more recent growth of homosexuality and lesbianism in America. See Time Magazine: October 1998.]

“It is called Egypt because of its tyranny and oppression as the Egyptians kept the Israelites in bondage and made them to serve with rigor and embittered their lives. [See my book titled: Yield Not One Inch for this factual information about the tyranny in America today.] So the Pope and his Gentiles, or Egyptians, have in a most oppressive and rigorous manner tyrannized over souls, bodies and estates of men. Also because of its great idolatry. Egypt being very remarkable for the number of its deities and the meanness of them. By which the idols and idolatries of the church of Rome may be fitly expressed [as may be witnessed today in America].”

And what about that which it says: “Where also our Lord was crucified.” America offers that daily. He has been crucified by the removal and rejection of Him in public schools, courtrooms where judges are forbidden to display copies of the Ten Commandments (as right now in Alabama is happening), public places of business where zoning ordinances prohibit private businesses from allowing employees to begin the business day with prayer, etc. Yes, He is being crucified in America daily with the rapid rise of sin and immoralities and crimes against those who are Christians so the civil rights of infidels can be maintained. He is being crucified daily in America where Catholicism is rampant in every quarter of the country. A country filled to over-flowing with idolatry. Idols of musicians, sport figures, cartoon characters, martyred saints, a virgin mother, television and movie stars, even visits to shopping malls, and a host of thousands of other idols. Such grave idolatry that, could they locate the Tree of Life within the Garden of Eden, they would sell the sawdust for a price. The great city, “which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was [and still is being] crucified” is the city of Catholic-owned New York City--Rome transplanted--MYSTERY BABYLON, the mother of harlots who birth’s bastard children by the blasphemous seed of Satan.

"And there appeared another wonder in Heaven. And behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads." [Revelation 12:3]

What are the seven heads? They are the seven ‘isms.’ (1) Arianism which denied the Divinity of Jesus as being God. (2) Nestorianism which divided His Person. (3) Eutychianism which confounded the two natures of His Being. (4) Macedonianism which took away the Deity of the Holy Spirit. (5) Pelagianism which destroyed the grace of God and set up the power of mankind’s free will as the deciding factor in salvation. (6) Romanism which established the rule that all mankind was to worship the Antichrist. (7) Riberianism which authored the false teachings of Dispensationalism and a future “Great Tribulation.” It is these ‘isms’ that the Whore of Babylon sits upon or rests her doctrines upon as though they were great mountains. [Revelation 17:9]

What are the ten horns? They are the ten kingdoms of mankind that would be born from the Roman Empire and would, in the twentieth century, give their power and their kingdoms to the Beast--located in New York City and called the United Nations. [Revelation 17:13]

Who are the seven crowns upon his heads? They are the seven main leaders, most responsible for, establishing the world government of the Antichrist. The first one was established in November 1960 and was the election of John F. Kennedy to the Presidency of the United (Roman) States. He was the first and was Catholic. The second was Lyndon B. Johnson who came to power at Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963. The third was Richard M. Nixon in 1968. The fourth was Gerald Ford in 1974. The fifth was James Earl Carter in 1976. The sixth was Ronald Reagan in 1980. And the seventh was George Bush (1988) who, before being removed from office, relinquished the government of the United States completely and fully over to the United Nations. [Revelation 17:13] The most powerful government in the world promoting, through the law of might and not right, the New World Order. As for Bill Clinton presently in office at the time of this writing, he is nothing more than a servile tool of the United Nations and has no authority whatsoever except what they allow him to have. Likewise, should Christ delay His Second Coming, whoever is brought forward to replace Clinton will be “of the seventh and goes into perdition.” [Revelation 17:11] That is, he will be nothing more than a tool of him who was the seventh and gave his authority to the Beast at the United Nations during the Bush administration.

“That the beast from the sea is closely identified with Rome will scarcely be disputed by members of most interpretative schools. The description of the monster deliberately connects with the fourth beast of Daniel 7, in that both have ten horns and both are noted for their blasphemies and their persecution of the saints. Virtually all conservative scholars identify that fourth beast of Daniel with the Roman Empire. In addition, the beast in the present passage has seven heads, which are later explained to represent the seven mountains upon which the harlot sits. Probably no commentator in history has failed to point out Rome’s well-known reputation as the city upon seven hills. It is true that the description of this beast differs somewhat from that of the fourth beast in Daniel, although the differences are not sufficient to preclude identifying this beast with that Roman beast in Daniel.”

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns. And upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of Blasphemy." [Revelation 13:1]

This is the first beast we see in the thirteenth chapter. He has been on Earth since the days Jesus walked the dirt roads of Judaea and Galilee. “Little children, it is the last time, and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists--whereby we know that it is the last time...Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? HE IS ANTICHRIST! That denies the Father and the Son.” [1 John 2:18, 22] Now where in the world does it say this Antichrist is some future coming person? It does not. Rather, John points to the fact that there were already many Antichrists. And, says the Catholic Jesuit Ribera and his Scofield followers, does not verse eighteen say “that Antichrist,” meaning the Big-daddy of all the little “many antichrists?” Yes, it does say “that Antichrist.” And it does say that he “shall come.” But his coming is not referring to some future date when he would come into existence, but rather to a future date when he would be revealed as the Antichrist. For verse twenty-two states he already was. “He is Antichrist!” Not that he is ‘an’ Antichrist like all the other little “many Antichrists.” But the one who denies “that Jesus is the Christ” is THE ANTICHRIST already!

“Antichrist was not then revealed, but was to be revealed in his proper time, when that which hindered his being revealed was taken away--even the Roman Empire. He was in being, though he lay hid and concealed till an opportunity offered to show himself. The mystery of iniquity, which is one of the names of mystical Babylon, or the Antichristian whore of Rome, began to work already, when the apostle wrote the above prophecy and gave the above description of Antichrist. So the apostle John says that the spirit of Antichrist, which should come, even now already is it in the world (1 John 4:3). Antichrist was not only in embryo in the times of the apostles, but was arrived to some bigness, so as to be active and operative.”

Let me take a moment and write concerning something that Dr. Gill stated above as it is most vital to understand, from a Historicist view as opposed to the Futurist view. That is: “Revealed in his proper time, when that which hindered his being revealed was taken away--even the Roman Empire.” This is a very vital issue among the two schools of interpretation. Let me begin from the beginning and, hopefully, not take too much space to define what I want to write.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed--the son of perdition--who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God. Or that is worshipped. So that he, as God, sits in the temple of God. Showing himself that he is God. Remember you not that when I was yet with you I told you these things? Now you know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity does already work. Only he who now lets will let until he be taken out of the way. Then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.” [2 Thessalonians 2:3-8]

Who, or what, is it that hinders the revealing of the Antichrist? For that is what Paul is speaking about in these verses--the revealing made known and the thing that does, at Paul’s time, hinder that revealing. First off, I would point out that the word “let” in the verses’ means ‘hinder’ or ‘restrain.’ Some further Greek grammar proves that “you know what withholds” is speaking of the hindrance in a neuter gender, whereas, Paul then uses the masculine gender when he writes: “He who now hinders.” Therefore, we may safely deduce, the hindrance will be both neuter and masculine. And, we may also safely deduce, that whatever this neuter, masculine object is, it had to first be removed before the Antichrist would be revealed for what he is.

“The Futurist view [Dispensationalism] was cleverly formulated by Ribera to mock the Protestants! It was Ribera who taught that the ‘hindrance’ was the Holy Spirit. Sound familiar? If it was the Holy Spirit, Paul would have boldly said so, since he had no hesitations in other chapters when writing about this subject [Holy Spirit]...Paul had good reason for refusing to openly name the hindrance; to do so would have brought swift and terrible destruction to the infant church in Thessalonica. He had already caused a disturbance when he was there speaking against Caesar. ‘Remember you not, that, when I was with you, I told you these things?’”

Now I would like to think the Holy Spirit is what is being referred to in this instance. But though the Holy Spirit does qualify from the sense that it is masculine, it certainly flunks the test of being neuter. No! The Holy Spirit fails to fulfill the requirements of the Greek grammar and, therefore, cannot be the hindrance. So if it is not the Holy Spirit as nearly every Baptist church has erroneously accepted, who is it that hinders the revealing? It was, and is, the Roman Empire Pagan. The Caesar’s of Rome and their dynasty. “As long as the Roman Empire was under pagan rule, the Man of Sin could not take his place of authority in the seven-hilled city. Thus the hindrance in the primary neuter gender is fulfilled in the Roman Empire, and the same hindrance in the masculine gender was fulfilled in the despotic emperors. They had to be taken out of the way first.” No, the hindrance was not and is not the Holy Spirit but was the pagan Roman Empire which first had to be removed so as to make way for the Antichrist’s revelation. And that is precisely what Dr. Gill is saying in his reference above.

This is the Antichrist out of the sea--Romish Catholicism in Rome. He shall rule for 1,260 years and, toward the close of his rule from Rome, since his end is drawing nigh, he shall, during the 1860’s, transfer his seat of power to the Antichrist of the Earth--the False Prophet as described below--who is the United States. [Revelation 11:2]

"And I beheld another Beast coming up out of the Earth. And he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon." [Revelation 13:11]

It is at this point in my elucidation that I depart most emphatically from Dr. Gill's traditional Historicist point of view. There is something about the description of this particular Beast, the second Beast of Revelation 13, which rises up out of the Earth, that causes me to differ in my interpretation. The year of the French Revolution in 1793 brought the heaviest amount of persecution falling upon Rome and, with her end near, the Whore of Babylon sought out a new place from which to rule the world. A new country was forming in the West and beckoning all to come unto me. Though it would be nearly a century later before the Whore of Babylon’s statue was raised in the harbor of New York City inviting the “tired and poor, your humble masses yearning to be free,” Catholicism saw its new place for the throne of Satan to sit.

Exactly four years prior to this, in 1789, the Constitution of the United States was adopted by the Thirteen Colonies. The United States was on the rise and its rising was from out of the Earth--a symbol in Revelation referring to the Roman Empire. The country was even so bold in its founding to adopt the pagan emblem of Rome--the eagle, as its national emblem, proving its allegiance to Romish jurisdiction. I shall not endeavor at this point to write the history of the colonies and those years that went into making this nation for such is already known by one and all. However, I will state this absolute fact: The United States was not formed as a Christian nation but as a nation whose majority of people, at that time, were Christian. As these people began to die off, they were replaced by their descendants who were less Christian. As the years rolled by, the citizens of this country became even less Christian. Catholics entered from the very beginning to establish a foothold in the new country. And establish it they did. A vast majority of the north-eastern seaboard area was dominated by a large portion of Catholics. Much of the South around Louisiana, Florida and the Gulf coast was heavily populated by Catholics. Nearly all of the West was infiltrated by Catholics. Thus Rome was making headway in the new nation. Before long, it was a nation that cradled Catholicism like a mother nurtures her new-born child. A political kingdom composed of millions who had come from the Catholic dominated Europe. As the decades rolled by, that political kingdom of the Earth has continued the welcoming of Catholicism onto its shores with open arms.

It is a political kingdom of which undoubtedly plays a great role in the history of the world. I believe the United States (the power and promoter behind the New World Order) is that Beast of the Earth and that Uncle Sam is the symbolic figure of the second Beast and that the person of the President (or dictator of the New World Order, whomever it may be), is this False Prophet. I do not believe or dare to think that the office of a people-elected President shall continue to exist in the United States; but that we are presently being overthrown by this Satanic group, and that their leader, whom the news media is totally silent about, is the second Beast of Revelation 13. The idea that we are a Christian nation is false--making us the most qualified for the position of the False Prophet in Revelation 13. Right at this moment, the Pope, though he may reside in Rome, rules the world from New York City wherein is located the United Nations and, as well, the headquarters for the New World Order.

"Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the Beast. For it is the number of a man! And his number is 666." [Revelation 13:18]

Adolph Hitler had all of the Jews who were captured and consigned to concentration camps between 1932-1945 numbered. I remember, as a young boy in high school, we lived next door to some people named Fisher. I went to school with their daughter at Parkview and the wife had been one of these Jewish people, who as a small child herself, had been numbered by means of a tattoo. Both the wife’s mother and father had been turned into lamp shades or some other grotesque cruelty of which she never completely explained to me. But that she had their mark, and had served in a concentration camp, was fact. For I saw it with my own eyes.

Meanwhile, during the time Hitler was numbering his people, Franklin D. Roosevelt, another Socialist like Hitler, was numbering his. Both of these are nothing more than the forerunner of what is coming by means of the New World Order wherein all of mankind shall be required to have an identity number.

Of this one spoken about in Revelation, before I remark further, I would say this. I do not believe it is the number of THE Antichrist himself. But rather, as the Scriptures state, it is the “number of a man.” What man? Whatever man has this particular number. For example: Each person will have his own number. That number is, in this sense, the number of a man or the man bearing that number. That it is three sixes, we find the number six is the number that denotes in prophecy mankind. I shall cover this further under a question of my own in an addendum about the significance of numbers in Revelation. However, the number is the number of whatever man has the number and, in my elucidation, I do not believe it is the number of one specific man. But that each man shall have his own and it is distinct and consists of three digital identifying marks.

“And his number is 666.” [Revelation 13:18]

That he “causes all” mankind to take a mark, 666, which is “the number of a man,” according to the Scriptures, is already in the undertaking (as I wrote above). As a matter of fact, the forerunner of this program in the United States, the force behind the New World Order of one world rule (like the Antichrist is said to desire), was started by the renowned Socialist/Communist Franklin D. Roosevelt in the early 1930’s. Am I being preposterous? Try buying anything on credit or having a business and selling goods without being required to give your Social Security Number. Exactly three sets of digits [6-6-6], just as the Social Security numbers [694-25-4014], which is the number of a man--the man whose Social Security account this relates. These three sets of numbers define, describe, and catalog the possessor thereof by the region he was born (the first set of numbers) and what district (the second set of numbers) he was born within that region and the particular man or woman (the third set of numbers); and, of which the world communication systems have for years been collecting data about and storing into memory banks that, in all honesty, are available to any government or private source.

Everyone is now forced to accept this numbering identification system as a means of “keeping records.” Stop and think for a moment. Do you or a relative need medical help? They need your Social Security number for “our records.” Have you recently moved and are needing to have a telephone installed in your home? They need your Social Security number for “our records.” Or because of your move, are you needing to open a new bank account? They need your Social Security number for “our records.” Do you know anyone that has recently entered the Army or Navy or another branch of the military to do their patriotic duty? They need your Social Security for “our records.” Or perhaps a friend or family member is wanting to have a baby? The child, upon birth, will automatically be issued a Social Security number before the mother and baby can even check out of the hospital. After all, they need it for “our records.” Right now, in August 1998, a person can do just about anything they want if they are willing to supply this Social Security number. But trying doing anything without supplying it! People give their Social Security number to anyone that asks them.

I do not pretend or attempt to place a personal name for he is a dynasty of people collectively working together to rule the world through the New World Order by means of Catholicism. Nor do I claim the Social Security number is THE ‘mark of the beast’ exactly. But I do recognize his forerunners. I do recognize his characteristics and attributes. Just this year [1998], I learned that the United Nations, which is the world headquarters for the New World Order, recently agreed to recognize the Roman Catholic Church as though it were a country and the Pope now has an authorized ‘vote,’ just like any other ambassador from a foreign country, in shaping the policies of the United Nations General Council. This is but another way the United States, the most powerful country in the world, fits into present Bible history and prophecy.

The Final Days

"And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels: Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the Earth." [Revelation 16:1]

This begins the pouring out of the vials upon the Earth. Each vial, in my Historicist elucidation, consists of approximately ten years and, combined, make up the last or final seventy years of the history of mankind. The first was poured out upon the world by 1938. We are presently living in the sixth vial and are experiencing the plagues of that particular period in our history right now. The seventh vial, which has broken the horizon, will complete the wrath of God being poured out upon mankind as a “great voice out of the temple of Heaven, from the throne, [will be heard] saying: IT IS DONE!” [Revelation 16:17] Not “finished,” as it was on the cross of Calvary when Christ Jesus proclaimed that salvation had been purchased and the price had been paid for God’s chosen. But done! Complete! Over! There is no more! Pick up your hat and leave the theater. Finis!

"And the first went and poured out his vial upon the Earth. And there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image." [Revelation 16:2]

The noisome and grievous sore was the strangle-hold of Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, Imperialism that had gained complete control of the leading governments in the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, Great Britain/United States, and Japan. By the year 1938, all of these had gained power and were each claiming it was God. Every one of them was making a great noise in the world and that noise was certainly grievous to all of mankind as it loomed on the edge of World War Two. And every one of the leaders, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill/Roosevelt and Hirohito, were men who had taken the mark of the beast in its absoluteness, even thinking himself invincible.

"And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man. And every living soul died in the sea." [Revelation 16:3]

By 1948, the world had undergone World War Two which, at that time, had been the most extensive war ever fought upon the face of the Earth. Not only that, but smaller wars were now breaking out everywhere--the most popular being the Korean War that erupted and the War for Israel’s Independence wherein that same year it regained its national standing. The first time since the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The sea is symbolic of the people in mass. Always moving. Always stirring. Never settled as would be a pond or small lake. But always changing. Further, it saw the greatest amount of warfare fought up to that time on the oceans. Over six million Jews alone were killed in concentration camps. This figure did not include the numbers of men and women who were killed in battle on all sides. It was as though every living soul was dying and the sea of mankind was bloodied by their death. Wars everywhere as the whole world seemed to become as the blood of a dead man--nothing but ‘the mud and the blood and the beer.’

"And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood." [Revelation 16:4]

By 1958, the Korean War, which saw the death of many people, but not as many as World War Two, had gone on a cease-fire status. It would be the new way of fighting wars in the world. No one would ever win them. They would simply declare a cease-fire. Thus they were smaller wars like the rivers and fountains are smaller bodies of water. They did not affect the entire world in mass but smaller groups of peoples throughout the entire world. One after another was breaking out. Especially a very tiny one in a distant and remote land that hardly anyone in the United States had ever heard--Viet Nam. And the French went first to the rescue.

"And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou are righteous, O Lord, which are, and wast, and shall be, because thou has judged thus." [Revelation 16:5] "For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou has given them blood to drink; for they are worthy." [Revelation 16:6] "And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments." [Revelation 16:7] "And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun. And power was given unto him to scorch men with fire."[Revelation 16:8]

By 1968, the sun, the most powerful celestial body in the Heavens, symbolic of the United States, had gained nuclear power and other extensive forms of radiation poison. Germ warfare was in vogue and available to countries and, worse still, some of them were using these forms of warfare, though most secretly, to scorch men “with great heat.” Viet Nam erupted for the United States and was escalating by the thousands every week as young men, myself included, were entering the military while others “blasphemed the name of God which has power over these plagues and they repented not to give Him glory” [Revelation 16:9] but fled to such places as Canada. And the United States, still the leading country in the world, was beginning its biggest drive to surrender its authority to the United Nations and form what would become known as the New World Order by executive orders of the first of the seven kings who had served as President up to this time--Kennedy and Johnson.

"And men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God which has power over these plagues. And they repented not to give Him glory." [Revelation 16:9]

"What can there be about Hell fire to change a man's heart? Surely the more the lost will suffer, the more they will hate God. When God sent plagues on the Earth, men blasphemed His name. Men do so now. Are they likely to turn at His rebuke then? Satan has been punished for these six thousand years--do you see any sings of repentance about him? Besides, if the gospel of Christ cannot save you, what can? If the wooings of Christ's wounds cannot make you love Christ, do you think the flames of Hell will?"

"And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast. And his kingdom was full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues for pain." [Revelation 16:10]

By 1978, nation after nation was surrendering its sovereignty to the United Nations and the New World Order was gaining ground. Thus the kingdom of Antichrist, by the membership growth of the Antichristian nations, was becoming “full of darkness.” What is even more, these leaders and their representatives in the United Nations, “gnawed their tongues for pain.” The pain they experienced by being unable to solve their economic and political problems that continued to loom over them as their governments were collapsing around their ears. But did these leaders and United Nations representatives repent? No! Rather, they continued to throw coals upon the fires of their political troubles and “blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds.” [Revelation 16:11] Why does the Congress of the United States waste so much time over the controversy about Clinton’s zipper? Because they realize they cannot solve the real problems facing the American people and, in order to maintain their position in government, they find trivial things to occupy their time--such as whether or not a man is wearing his seat belt. Instead of dealing with the real issues of concern. Such is the failure to repent of their deeds.

"And blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." [Revelation 16:11] "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates. And the water thereof was dried up. That the way of the kings of the east might be prepared." [Revelation 16:12]

This vial saw the great body of water called the Euphrates being dried up. Prophetically, its flow was halting the history of the world from progressing and God’s Sovereign Plan from being fulfilled. Therefore, God saw fit to dry it up and remove the obstacle that hindered the completion. This river Euphrates is the United States and the people thereof is the water of that river. By 1988, Ronald Reagan and George Bush, who won the election that very year, were turning the government and the people of the United States over to the United Nations and the New World Order. Bush, in his successful campaign that year, was talking openly and freely about how we needed a New World Order that would establish a world government--bringing world peace and, suddenly, “the way of the kings of the East might be prepared.” No longer was Communist Russia our enemy but now it was our good friend and millions of American dollars were going to give various kinds of aid, including military weapons, to these Communist countries. Who, I might add, were cloaking themselves behind a fallen government. We were even sending massive amounts of military weapons to Sadam Hussien and preparing this particular king of the East for a war that would quickly erupt as the Gulf War.

So it came to pass, within a very short time, that the three frogs came out of the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet. [Revelation 16:13] The frogs represent “the false ideology of the Jews...Communists...Moslems. From the chronology and the context of the prophecy we notice that these three unclean spirits are going to effect the nations of the Earth in our time and our day,” writes Robert Caringola who, though he does not agree with my elucidation, we do agree upon this one point concerning these three frogs. And so it is presently, with a cease-fire in progress, “they are the spirits of devils working miracles. Which go forth unto the kings of the Earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” That battle has already started and, as I said earlier, is temporarily on a cease-fire status. But a cease-fire does not an end of war make! For it is certain that presently, these “spirits of devils” are in the process of continuing to “gather them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” [Revelation 16:16] One last point at this question. “Behold I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments. Lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” [Revelation 16:15] Here is the BIG clue! We are presently, now more than ever, on the threshold of the Second Coming of Christ Jesus. Blessed are those that are presently watching and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that He is coming as a thief--that is, He is not going to announce it on CNN news with a film at eleven.

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet." [Revelation 16:13] "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the Earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."[Revelation 16:14] "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame." [Revelation 16:15] "And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." [Revelation 16:16] "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air. And there came a great voice out of the temple of Heaven from the throne saying: It is done!" [Revelation 16:17]

So we have, in 1998, entered upon this final period in the history of mankind where, at any moment, yea, in the twinkling of an eye, we are going to hear this great voice, the voice of God Himself, declaring: IT IS DONE! And the end of mankind’s rule, the end of Antichrist, Satan, and the False Prophet will occur. I believe that we are going to see that end before the year 2,008. Actually sooner, in my opinion. I have already packed my suitcase and I am waiting for the conductor to announce: All Aboard. The event of this final vial will occur so rapidly that we will become dizzy at trying to keep up with them and separate them one from another in this prophetic announcement. [Revelation 16:18-21]

Yes, some may claim I am crazy. Some may say my elucidation is out in left field. Some may even dismiss my theology as lacking due to the fact that I do not adhere to the common mainstream of interpretation. Some may even revile me and persecute me and say all manner of evil against me for my interpretations of prophecy. Yes, they already do on occasion cast evil aspersions against me falsely for His sake. But let them scoff.

“For so persecuted they the prophets which were before...” [Matthew 5:12]
