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Security Agency-The Police State

By Michael Bunker

"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." Psalm 2:1-3

September 28, 2001 — In 1998, I began laying out how state-sponsored terrorist activity was being used to bring about a Police State in this country. In 1999, I said that a major terrorist attack, blamed on Osama Bin Ladin, would be used to bring in this Police State. Let me make one more prediction that might shock a few people. The announcement by the White House that the executive branch will NOT call for a National ID Card, GUARANTEES one thing, and you can take this to the bank:


Another devastating terrorist attack on U.S. soil will galvanize support for the National Identification Card that does not exist today. Support for a National ID Card, with a "unique biometric identifier" grew after the attack on the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. The idea suffered a major defeat in Congress in October of 2000, but rebounded immediately after the attack on the U.S.S. Cole that same month. Support skyrocketed again after the September 11th attacks, but the Bush people can easily see that a consensus doesn't yet exist. So they announced yesterday that they would not seek a National ID Card for all Americans.


Wait a little while. Too much money has been invested in the National ID. The General Services Administration (GSA) has been operating their cashless society "Common ID" pilot program for some time. We showed you the GSA ID card in our third technology video. Do a cursory check of their website:, and you will see what I mean. Watch my third video and you will also see how the GSA, the National Institute of Standards (NIST), Visionics (home of FACIAL RECOGNITION), and our own Bush appointed Transportation Secretary (Norman Mineta) have been pushing for this surveillance and tracking technology since long before Bush came into office.

What we are seeing is NOT the massive onslaught of Martial Law that many people have been predicting over the years. We are watching the slow phase-in of “emergency powers”, and Homeland Security is the reason for the season.

Welcome to the tyranny of “Homeland Security”

The only debate taking place in Washington D.C., is exactly HOW MUCH authority, this new omnipresent police agency will have. The president is creating this new cabinet-level agency by executive fiat, while the Congress is rushing to provide Legislative “cover” for the plan, by offering to extend even more authority to the president to enact Homeland Defense. Congress is afraid that Bush appointee Tom Ridge will not have enough authority, so they are moving to write legislation that will create a security "super-agency" to coordinate the activities of more than 40 federal agencies and departments, including the CIA and the FBI, and the ATF. George W. Bush is not waiting for any congressional authority. Spokesman, Scott McClellan said, “The president is moving forward to create the Office of Homeland Security by presidential action.”

One citizen watchdog group, Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States (CCOPS) had this to say about this new “super-agency”:

“The new Homeland Defense Agency is the lynchpin of a plan that extensively reorganizes both the executive and legislative functions of the U.S. government. Among other things, the plan makes the National Guard a national police force. It extensively federalizes both the study and the work of science, mathematics, and engineering. It creates numerous new sub-bureaucracies. The Homeland Security agency itself is to ‘be built upon the Federal Emergency Management Agency, with the three organizations currently on the front line of border security-the Coast Guard, the Customs Service, and the Border Patrol- transferred to it.’ The plan calls for the new agency to oversee activities of the Department of Defense, as well as to assume a variety of duties now held by agencies from the Department of Commerce to the FBI. When the plan was announced in January of this year, the media barely covered it, and shortly thereafter, the plan itself, and the government Web site created expressly for it, dropped out of sight. We found the full text of the report at only one location:

Today we can see the effects of what I can only call - Undeclared Martial Law. State governors around the country are racing (at Bush's command) to call up National Guardsmen to patrol the nations 420 largest airports. It has been reported that National Guardsmen will also patrol near Nuclear Reactors, Power Plants and other mission-critical facilities. New York City, and many other cities are being virtually locked down. Any vehicles going into or out of these areas are subject to random, warrantless searches.

On the very same day that George W. Bush and the administration claimed that they were going to try to revitalize our faith in the security and safety of commercial air travel, they also announced that they were extending “shoot-down” authority to the U.S. military, should they need to splash a commercial jet while it is in flight. I am not commenting here on whether or not the U.S. military should have the right to shoot down any commercial jets that pose a direct threat to life and property — but I am saying that any third-grader can see that the administrations stated goal, to alleviate the well grounded fears of the flying public, was merely a PR scam that had no hope of being successful.

During several White House Press Conferences by Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, Mr. Fleischer has warned the public about “unacceptable speech.” In a Press Conference dated today (September 28, 2001), the following statement was made by Mr. Fleischer in regards to comments made by Politically Incorrect television host Bill Maher:

“MR. FLEISCHER: I think that everybody always has to be thoughtful. I think everybody has to think through the repercussions, the implications of what they say. And I shared this morning, as well, but I had a message on my answering machine from somebody, a citizen who called up and said that the United States needs to round up all the Muslims, the good ones and the bad ones, because you can't tell the difference. And that's the type of thing — people have to think carefully about the things that they do and they say. And our nation, as it goes into an increased wartime footing, is going to be confronting issues that typically, thankfully, have not come up in the past, that make people think more carefully about what they're doing.—

So free speech may also be a victim to our preparations for an “increased wartime footing”. And we must also mention the abrogation of all rights to privacy due to the FBI's placement of “Carnivore” spying units at critical hubs on the Internet. We will also have to recognize that the right to keep and bear arms is still under an unrelenting attack. Days ago, the Congress approved a White House request for $50 million in additional funding for the unconstitutional and abusive thugs at the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

So let us take inventory:

  • Limitations on the right to free speech
  • Limitations or elimination of the right to bear arms
  • Militarized police performing random warrantless searches
  • Military units patrolling —secure areas—, and manning checkpoints
  • Severe restrictions on the right to travel
  • Obliteration of the right to privacy

This is what we face GOING INTO our —increased wartime footing—. Mr. Ridge doesn't even assume his newly created position until October 8th of this year. It is already crystal clear to me what his new "position" entails.

America is waving the flag heartily as they enter into a fascist New World Order.

Democrats and Republicans are marching in lockstep unity, the pied pipers of a global police state.

How's that workin' out for ya?

I am your servant in Christ Jesus,

Michael Bunker