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By Michael Bunker
“as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent Hosea 6:9 August 31, 2002 - As America rushes towards another Middle
East confrontation, the installation of a new interior “security”
apparatus pushes forward at a breakneck pace. The Homeland Security concept,
born in the minds of the Jesuits in the 1930’s and perfected in
places like Berlin, Beijing, Moscow, Prague and Bucharest, is being “fitted”
for an American audience hungry for slavery and subordination. (To learn
more about the Homeland Security ties to the Jesuits, please read my article
Homeland Security: The Jesuit Gestapo President Bush announced the new American Gestapo on national television (primarily FOXNews, with leaks to CNN), while hundreds of politicians in his own party, and hundreds of thousands of state and local law enforcement officers were still totally in the dark on the subject. Although the Homeland Security apparatus is clearly unconstitutional, fear has gripped those who might otherwise have raised questions about such an intrusive entity operating on the soil of America. Bush’s intention is to overwhelm and subordinate America’s hundreds of state and local law enforcement agencies with an all-powerful State Internal Security Service that will answer only to the Homeland Security Department. It is clear that the intention from the very beginning has been to ignore and bypass Congress, and to intimidate the media. The Jesuit educated and controlled TOM RIDGE has virtually refused to consult or discuss his plans with congressional oversight committees, perhaps because he knows that an imminent and violent Middle East war will allow him to continue to serve without the necessity of Senate approval of his nomination. Ridge has enraged some politicians who have privately sworn that he will never be approved in a “normal” Senate hearing. Whether Ridge is ever officially approved or not, it is evident that he has already served his masters well during the creation of the Homeland Security apparatus. NEW CIA DIRECTOR?An interesting player in the unfolding HSA drama is a man named Porter Goss. Goss is a Republican congressman from Florida who also serves as the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Goss has long served as the man in charge of investigating wrongdoing by the CIA. It was Goss who headed the investigation into the CIA’s drug running in the 1980’s. According to the investigation, led by Porter Goss, “The CIA did NOT play a role in bringing crack cocaine into the Los Angeles area in the 1980s, the House intelligence committee concluded in a report Thursday. The report, the latest in a series by investigatory bodies to exonerate the CIA, said no evidence was found of any conspiracy by CIA agents to bring drugs into the United States. ‘Bottom line: The allegations were false,’ said committee Chairman Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.).” (http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A52774-2000May11.html) What these reports rarely tell you is that Porter Goss is a “former” CIA Clandestine Services officer, who is widely seen as a CIA frontman who along with several other CIA operatives, runs interference with Congress. Goss is also heading up the investigation into intelligence “failures” in the September 11th attacks. Always good to know the fox is watching the henhouse. Porter Goss attended Yale (just like both Presidents Bush) and served as an Intelligence officer in the US Army before becoming joining the CIA where he became a Clandestine Services agent. The story goes that Goss retired after 10 years in the CIA due to an “illness”. He moved to Florida where he (a Republican) was appointed by then Democratic Governor Bob Graham to fill a vacancy as a county commissioner. According to a recent article on Goss that was posted at www.counterpunch.org, “Goss somehow accumulated a lot of money to run for Congress in South Florida, and then became Chairman of the committee which oversees CIA activities.” Goss now serves as co-chairman of the Joint Intelligence committee with the very man (Sen. Bob Graham) who strangely crossed party lines to appoint an inexperienced political virgin to a political position in South Florida years ago. According to the New York Times, Early on Sept. 11, Senator Bob Graham and Representative Porter J. Goss were having a quiet breakfast meeting in the Capitol with the chief of Pakistani intelligence, Lt. Gen. Mehmood Ahmed. Mr. Graham and Mr. Goss, the chairmen of the two Congressional intelligence committees, were quizzing their guest about Osama bin Laden and other issues when an aide to Mr. Goss rushed in with a note. A plane had just hit the World Trade Center. It is now being widely rumored that Porter Goss is to be the next Director of Central Intelligence, called to replace the Jesuit-trained George Tenet. Bush is holding off his appointment until after the November elections. It seems that the Republicans cannot afford to give up Goss’s seat when things are so tight in the house, so after the elections Goss can resign thereby allowing the Republican Governor of Florida (Jeb Bush) to appoint Goss’s replacement in the House of Representatives. Goss, ever the CIA cheerleader, is already on record as stating that the FBI is not able to stop terrorism inside the U.S.:
Why is it important that we know about the history of Porter Goss when we consider that he will soon head the CIA? Because Porter Goss has been a vocal supporter of using Political Assassination squads domestically and internationally to stop “terrorism”. ASSASSINATION TEAMSThere is strong evidence that Assassination teams, made up of American and British intelligence and paramilitary agents are already operating across America and the world since September 11th. Senior army advisers believe they could justify the practice on the grounds that it would constitute "preparation of the battlefield" in a war against terrorism that has no boundaries, because the September 11 terrorist attacks in effect initiated a worldwide state of armed conflict, the newspaper said.” (Oliver Burkeman, US considers assassination squads, The Guardian, August 13, 2002) In a recent Associated Press article, the right questions are actually being asked: The secretive use of CIA paramilitary operatives in Afghanistan raises questions about whether the intelligence agency could slide into old, much-criticized habits assassinating enemies in the guise of combat In the 1980s, Congress flayed the CIA for abetting human rights abuses by repressive regimes in El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Honduras and Nicaragua. One agency training manual devoted a chapter to the benefits of torture. That paled next to what is considered the CIA's darkest moment: Operation Phoenix, which claimed tens of thousands of lives - including many civilians - in an effort to root out communist leaders in South Vietnam. Such stories led the agency to scale back its paramilitaries. “Twenty years ago, no one thought you would ever see a resurrection of the paramilitaries in the CIA," said Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla., a former CIA officer who chairs the House Intelligence Committee. The war on terror has changed that thinking, Goss said, and has revived support for a paramilitary more flexible than the Pentagon's elaborate hierarchies could allow.” In a telling interview with PBS Frontline only days after the September 11th phenomena, Rep. Porter Goss openly claims that the law forbidding assassinations should not hinder the administration from killing those who oppose them: PBS: Do you back changing the presidential directive on assassinations? GOSS: I don't think you need to back it. I think that the use of lethal force as a last resort in situations where you're trying to bring well-known criminals to justice is a concept most Americans are fairly comfortable with.” PBS: Let me just make sure I understand. You don't believe we need to change the presidential directive on assassinations? “GOSS: “I don't think it's necessary. I think it is very important that we expand the number of arrows we have in the quiver of what I will call covert action, and I don't mean covert action, capital C, capital A. I just mean action that is not visible, where our hand doesn't show, or where you don't necessarily know where it's coming from, but it changes the course of events I think in our system of government, there is a possibility of doing those kinds of things under extreme last resort circumstances with the appropriate oversight. PBS: So that would change the presidential directive. GOSS: I don't think it would change the presidential directive, if you read it closely. My view is the president has the right to do that, but not an unfettered right to do that. Not everybody is playing by Marquees of Queensberry’s rules," Has the advice from the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to the Bush Administration already been put into affect? It looks as though maybe it has.... Questions have been raised from some interesting quarters about the disappearance of several Microbiologists right after the Anthrax attacks, including the apparent murder of the Microbiologist Professor Don Wiley, whose car was found on the Hernando DeSoto Bridge in Memphis months after the Anthrax attacks. According to some reports, Wiley had made statements condemning the government’s story about the Anthrax scare. A British periodical recently stated that the “British Government believed that US Intelligence had assassinated the anthrax terrorist.” Although it is quite farfetched to assume that Wiley was the actual anthrax terrorist, it is more likely that Wiley, a brilliant microbiologist, knew that what the government was claiming about the attack was not true. The recent “suicide” of terrorist Abu Nidal, and the strange suicides of two New York Times writers in less than 7 months are also feeding the rumor that the US is now assassinating folks who dare to cross the Bush Administration. These rumors begin to carry more weight when it becomes known that at least 2 individuals who were active in the CIA’s “Operation Phoenix” assassination squads are now holding high positions in the Office of Homeland Security, and several more ex-Phoenix spooks are running interference for HSA in the Congress. PHOENIX SONSLet's start with Homeland Security Director, the Jesuit trained Knight of Columbus Tom Ridge: Ridge was stationed in a coastal village in South Vietnam where his company was involved in what his office delicately refers to as the Army's pacification campaign. Pacification was the CIA's reader-friendly word for its extermination of civilian opposition to the US war machine in South Vietnam. Another alias for pacification was the Phoenix Program. It routinely involved mass arrests, brutal interrogations, the destruction of villages, napalming of rice fields and wide-spread assassination Ridge won his Bronze Star for an operation that seems to have been little more than outright murder by ambush which was almost immediately sanitized as an act of heroism. (10/1/01, Tom Ridge in Vietnam, Tarnished Star, Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn) The fact that Tom Ridge was involved in the CIA's Phoenix Program ought not shock us too much, but when we recognize that he has recruited freely from the Phoenix assassination program in building America's new Homeland Security Gestapo, we begin to see the fullness of what is planned for the people of America. The Office of Homeland Security's Senior Director for Protection and Prevention is a man named Major General Bruce Lawlor. Lawlor played a huge part in the Phoenix Operation in Vietnam where he recruited and trained paramilitary agents to engage in arrests and assassinations of South Vietnamese civilians who were suspected of working with the Viet Cong. Lawlor also operated out of an internment camp in Vietnam and participated in the questioning (tortures) of suspected NVA spies. Prior to September 11th, Lawlor was Commanding General of the Joint Task Force-Civil Support which is located in Fort Monroe in Louisiana. There Lawlor trained military units to provide command and control over “consequence management forces” following an expected weapons of mass destruction attack on the U.S. Lawlor’s forces would serve in support of an unnamed “Civilian Lead Agency” (Sounds like CIA to me!). One of the biggest supporters of the new Homeland Security apparatus, and a man who is seen as a Bush operative running interference in Congress for the new Gestapo is a liberal congressman named Rep. Rob Simmons. Simmons ran a CIA Province Interrogation Center in Vietnam. He, along with Porter Goss, is the point man among several of his former CIA fellows in Congress: Simmons lived in the Far East and learned Vietnamese and Chinese to perform a mission the CIA still won't let him discuss. Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia spent seven years analyzing "reams of material, classified and unclassified" at CIA headquarters. Rep. Mark Kirk of Illinois is in his 13th year as an intelligence officer for the U.S. Naval Reserve, including tours in Kosovo and Iraq; he was detailed to the CIA from 1991 to 1994.(USAToday, 06/20/2002) You can see why the administration has been successful at crushing any questions about it's prosecution of a so-called international Terrorism war. The ominous implications of this new Internal Security apparatus are many. It seems that the people of America have decided once and for all to sell of their freedom to a fascist dictator. The Superior General of the Jesuits has finally activated his plan to attack extirpate Protestant America from the planet. If only America knew the history of such dictatorships, and what is inevitably in store for Joe Sixpack. I am your servant in Christ Jesus, Michael Bunker |