- The Age of the Apostles
- St. Ignatius
- St. Justin, Martyr
- St. Polycarp
- The Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne
- Tertullian–Perpetua and her Companions
- Origen
- St Cyprian–Part I —Part II —Part III
- The Last Persecution
- Constantine the Great
- The Council of Nicaea
- St. Athanasius–Part I —Part II —Part III
- The Monks
- St. Basil and St. Gregory of Naz.–Part I —Part II
- St. Ambrose
- The Temple of Serapis
- Church Government
- Christian Worship–Part I —Part II —Part III
- Arcadius and Honorius
- St. John Chrysostom–Part I —Part II —Part III —Part IV
- St. Augustine–Part I —Part II —Part III (Donatism) —Part IV —Part V —Part VI (Pelagianism) —Part VII
- Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon
- Fall of the Western Empire
- Conversion of the Barbarians– Christianity in Britain
- Scotland and Ireland
- Clovis
- Justinian
- Nestorians and Monophysites
- St. Benedict–Part I —Part II
- End of the Sixth Century
- St. Gregory the Great–Part I —Part II —Part III —Part IV
- Mahometanism; Image worship
- The Church in England
- St. Boniface
- Pipin and Charles the Great–Part I —Part II
- Decay of Charles the Great’s Empire
- State of the Papacy
- Missions of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries
- Pope Gregory VII –Part I —Part II —Part III —Part IV
- The First Crusade–Part I —Part II —Part III
- New Orders of Monks–Military Orders
- St. Bernard–Part I —Part II
- Adrian IV–Alexander III –Becket –The Third Crusade
- Innocent III–Part I —Part II —Part III —Part IV
- Frederick II–St. Lewis of France–Part I —Part II —Part III
- Peter of Murrone
- Boniface VIII–Part I —Part II
- The Popes at Avignon –Ruin of the Templars–Part I —Part II
- The Popes at Avignon (continued)
- Religious Parties
- John Wyclif
- The Popes return to Rome
- The Great Schism
- John Huss
- The Council of Constance–Part I —Part II —Part III
- The Hussites
- Councils of Basel and Florence
- Nicolas V and Pius II
- Jerome Savonarola–Part I —Part II
- Julius II and Leo X
- Missions–The Inquisition