

  1. The Age of the Apostles
  2. St. Ignatius
  3. St. Justin, Martyr
  4. St. Polycarp
  5. The Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne
  6. Tertullian–Perpetua and her Companions
  7. Origen
  8. St Cyprian–Part IPart IIPart III
  9. The Last Persecution
  10. Constantine the Great
  11. The Council of Nicaea
  12. St. Athanasius–Part I —Part II —Part III
  13. The Monks
  14. St. Basil and St. Gregory of Naz.–Part I —Part II
  15. St. Ambrose
  16. The Temple of Serapis
  17. Church Government
  18. Christian Worship–Part I —Part II —Part III
  19. Arcadius and Honorius
  20. St. John Chrysostom–Part I —Part II —Part III —Part IV
  21. St. Augustine–Part I —Part II —Part III (Donatism) —Part IV —Part V —Part VI (Pelagianism) —Part VII
  22. Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon
  23. Fall of the Western Empire
  24. Conversion of the Barbarians– Christianity in Britain
  25. Scotland and Ireland
  26. Clovis
  27. Justinian
  28. Nestorians and Monophysites
  29. St. Benedict–Part I —Part II
  30. End of the Sixth Century
  31. St. Gregory the Great–Part I —Part II —Part III —Part IV


  1. Mahometanism; Image worship
  2. The Church in England
  3. St. Boniface
  4. Pipin and Charles the Great–Part I —Part II
  5. Decay of Charles the Great’s Empire
  6. State of the Papacy
  7. Missions of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries
  8. Pope Gregory VII –Part I —Part II —Part III —Part IV
  9. The First Crusade–Part I —Part II —Part III
  10. New Orders of Monks–Military Orders
  11. St. Bernard–Part I —Part II
  12. Adrian IV–Alexander III –Becket –The Third Crusade
  13. Innocent III–Part I —Part II —Part III —Part IV
  14. Frederick II–St. Lewis of France–Part I —Part II —Part III
  15. Peter of Murrone
  16. Boniface VIII–Part I —Part II
  17. The Popes at Avignon –Ruin of the Templars–Part I —Part II
  18. The Popes at Avignon (continued)
  19. Religious Parties
  20. John Wyclif
  21. The Popes return to Rome
  22. The Great Schism
  23. John Huss
  24. The Council of Constance–Part I —Part II —Part III
  25. The Hussites
  26. Councils of Basel and Florence
  27. Nicolas V and Pius II
  28. Jerome Savonarola–Part I —Part II
  29. Julius II and Leo X
  30. Missions–The Inquisition