Hal Lindsey: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
Beware of False Prophets, which come to you in Sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matt: 7:15 Futurism was created by the Jesuits dur...
Beware of False Prophets, which come to you in Sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matt: 7:15 Futurism was created by the Jesuits dur...
Introduction This brief article provides you with a starting point to explore the various theories as to the origin of the pretribulational rapture doctrine. We...
Hal Lindsey is known as the father of modern bible prophecy. His famous Late Great Planet Earth sold over 35 million copies and spawned the billion-dollar end-t...
Note how Historicist expositors of Revelation – interpreting Revelation 11 – predicted accurately the French Revolution well over 100 years before i...
Michael de Semlyen THE apostasy that we have witnessed in the twentieth century; the compromise on essentials and the attack on the fundamentals actually have t...
Image Name(s) Birth Death Cause of Death Education Vocation(s) Associated Tradition Works Overview James Arminius; Jacobus Arminius; JacobHermansz 1560Oudewater...
John Wycliffe (1330-84) Attacked what he saw as corruptions within the church, including: The sale of indulgences Pilgrimages The excessive veneration of saints...
Here, I am going to develop two particular aspects of ecclesial history that are often neglected by Western historians: The reign of Innocent III as Pontiff in ...
PLACES: John Wyclif, Translator and Controversialist John Wyclif – help for understanding ScriptureJohn Wycliffe English theologian and reformer John Wycl...
From His 1536 Work, Institutes of the Christian Religion On The Fulfillment of Joel 2:32 “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, ...