Blavatsky and Westcott

This entry is part 8 of 15 in the series New Age Bible Versions

“[T]hey love their early faith, Their is no religion higher but they love truth more.” 71 than Truth.” 72 B.F. Westcott H.P. Blavatsky

To what can we attribute Blavatsky’s and Westcott’s repeated duets. The historian for the S.P.R. brings additional light on the source of this agreement.

Two or more of them [Spiritualists] would at about the same time use very similar phrases or allude to the same topic or idea. This in itself would not have been remarkable and could easily have been explained by chance or coincidence if the phrase, ideas, or topics involved had been commonplace: but this they often were not… Moreover a reference to some topic would often be divided between two or more automatists…[The phrases come from] some mind or minds outside the group of automatists. 73

Since both lived at the same time, at times in the same place, and shared common friends, familiarity with one another’s works is assumed. Blavatsky refers to B.F. Westcott a number of times in her books, calling him “the best…the most erudite…such a learned commentator.” She quotes his book, On the Canon, to support her bizarre beliefs. Blavatsky’s main source of reference for denying the tenets of the Christian faith was a book called Supernatural Religion. Its support in many cases is Dr. Westcott’s textual criticism. 74

Bob Larson’s Book of Cults details tenets of Blavatsky’s Theosophy as: 1. Universal brotherhood of man 2. Investigation of the unexplained 3. Comparative study of religion, science and philosophy 4. The religion of self-respect 75

After reading scores of books and letters written by Westcott, I can say without reservation that those four tenets summarized his belief system, en toto. It appears then that Westcott was a theosophist, of sorts, and a spiritualist.

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