
This entry is part 13 of 15 in the series New Age Bible Versions

1 John R. Kohlenberger, Words About the Word(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1987), p.42.
2 Ibid., p. 34.
3 D.A. Carson, The King James Version Debate(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House,
1979), pp. 41, 75.
4 Edward F. Hills, The King James Version Defended(Des Moines, Iowa: The Christian Research
Press, 1979), p. 229.
5. Phillip W. Comfort, Early Manuscripts and Modern Translations of the New Testament(Wheaten,
Illinois: Tyndale House Publishing, Inc., 1990), p.21.
6 Robert Young, Analytical Concordance to the Bible(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eardmans
Publishing Company, 1970), p.18.
7 Henry H. Halley, Halley’s Bible Handbook (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1965), p. 747.
8 Arthur Westcott, Life and Letters of Brooke Foss Westcott, Vol. I (London: MacMillan and Co.,
Limited, 1903), p. 47
9 Barbara G. Walker, The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets(San Francisco: Harper
and Row Publishers), pp. 395-398.
10 H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. II (London: The Theosophical Publishing Society,
1893), see pp. 30, 381, 472, 473, 558, 660.
11 Dictionary of Greek Mythology, pp, 101, 124
12 See note 128 in this section; H.P. Blavatsky, The Theosophical Glossary(Los Angelos, Ca.:
The Theosophical Society, 1971), p. 140; also see preface; originally published in 1892.
13 James Webb, The Occult Underground(La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Press, 1974), p. 222.
14 Life of Westcott, Vol. I, p. 47.
15 The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, p. 395.
16 Brooke Foss Westcott, The Historic Faith(London and Cambridge. MacMillan and Co. 1885),
p. 234.
17 Alan Gauld, The Founders of Psychical Research(New York: Schocken Books, 1968),
18 Charles Filmore, The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary (Lees Summit, MO: Unity School of
Christianity, 1950), p. 516.
19 Constance Cumby, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow(Shreveport, Lousiana: Huntington House,
Inc., 1983), p. 28.
20 J. Yutaka Amano and Norman Geisler, The Infiltration of the New Age (Wheaton, Illinois:
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1989), p. 115; also see footnote 10.
21 Life of Westcott, Vol. I, p. 230.
22 Edwin W. Lutzer and John F. DeVries, Satan’s Evangelistic Strategy for This New Age
(Wheaton, Illinois: Victor Books, 1989), p. 137.
23 Russell Chandler, Understanding the New Age(Dallas, Texas: Word Publishing, 1988),
pp. 81-88.
24 Elliott Miller, A Crash Course on the New Age(Grand Rapids, Michigan: 1989), pp.146, 147,
148, 163.
25 The Occult Underground, p. 155.
26 Ibid., p. 8.
27 Arthur Hort, The Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort, Vol. I (New York: MacMillan and
Co., 1896), p. 211.
28 Ibid.
29 Ibid., pp. 171, 177.
30 Paul de Parrie and Mary Pride, Ancient Empires of the New Age(Westchester, Illinois:
Crossway Books, 1989), p. 182.
31 Life of Hort, Vol. I, pp. 219, 220.
32 Ibid.
33 Life of Westcott, Vol I, pp. 117, 118.
34 Ibid.
35 WH. Salter, The Society for Psychical Research: An Outline of Its History(London: The
Society for Psychical Research, 1948), p. 8.
36 The Founders of Psychical Research, pp. 66-67.
37 Life of Westcott, Vol. I, p. 229.
38 Life of Hort, Vol. I, p. 229.
39 Life of Westcott, Vol I, p. 229.
40 Ibid., pp. 119, 235.
41 The Society for Psychical Research, p. 6.
42 The Founders of Psychical Research, p. 88.
43 Norman and Jeanne MacKensie, The Fabians(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1977), p. 18.
44 The Founders of Psychical Research, p. 53.
45 Ibid., pp. 50-51; also see Life of Westcott, Vol. I, pp. 215, 233.
46 Leslie Shepard, The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology(Detroit, Michigan: Gale
Research Company, 1978), pp.372, 847.
47 Occult Underground, pp. 36-40.
48 The Society for Psychical Research, pp. 5, 6, 13, 41.
49 Crash Course on the New Age, pp. 145-146.
50 Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon, The Seduction of Christianity(Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House
Publishers, 1985), p. 44.
51 Founders of Psychical Research, p.322.
52 The Society for Psychical Research, p.22.
53 Founders of Psychical Research, pp. 104, 107.
54 The Society for Psychical Research, p. 14.
55 Ibid., pp. 18, 27.
56 Founders of Psychical Research, pp. 123, 18.
57 The Society for Psychical Research, p. 8.
58 Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, p. 787.
59 Man, Myth and Magic: An Encyclopedia of the Supernatural, Vol. 20(New York: Marshall
Cavendish, 1970), p. 2814.
60 The Society for Psychical Research, p. 21.
61 The Founders of Psychical Research, p. 203.
62 The Historic Faith, see all off pp. 249-255.
63 Edward Rice, Eastern Definitions(Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc.,
1978), p. 375.
64 Ibid.
65 B.F. Westcott, Essays in the History of Religious Thought in the West(London: Macmillan and
Company, 1891), p. 375.
66 Westcott motto; often used to end or start his books.
67 Eastern Definitions, p. 375.
68 Historic Faith, p. 148.
69 Vera Alder, When Humanity Comes of Age(New York: Samuel Waiser, 1974), pp. 191, 198,
70 Rudolf Steiner, The Esoteric Basis of Christianity, pp. xii, 137; see also latter third of his book
for repeated positive references to Lucifer. The open Luciferian was at the root of the
Homeopathy movement. It is based on ‘sympathetic magic’ – not natural healing. He also founded
The Waldorf Schools for young children. Both are growing in popularity and have his philosophy
at their core.
71 The Founders of Psychical Research, pp. 50-51.
72 Blavatsky’s motto used to begin or end her writings
73 The Society for Psychical Research, pp. 33-37; see Isis Unveiled, pp. 243, 161 for examples of
her comments on Westcott.
74 Supernatural Religion, see pp. 811, 753 , 286, 364.
75 Bob Larson, Larson’s Book of Cults(Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1982),
p. 321.
76 The Founders of Psychical Research, p. 48
77 Life of Hort, Vol. I, pp. 170, 171, 198.
78 The Founders of Psychical Research, p. 48.
79 Life of Hort, Vol. I, pp. 196, 42.
80 Ibid, Vol. II, pp. 184-185; also see Life of Westcott, Vol. I, p. 385.
81 Founders of Psychical Research, pp. 105, 104, 48.
82 Did someone say, “you can publish and still perish?”
83 Life of Hort, Vol. II, pp. 184-185; also see Life of Westcott, Vol. I, p. 385.
84 Occult Underground, p. 170.
85 Randall N. Baer, Inside the New Age Nightmare(Lafayette, Lousianna: Huntington House, Inc.,
1989), p. 103.
86 Alex Jack, The New Age Dictionary(Brookline, Massachusettes: Kanthaka Press, 1976), p. 85.
87 When Humanity Comes of Age, pp. 28, 36; see also chapter 2,3 and 4.
88 Life of Westcott, Vol. II, pp. 18-23.
89 Historic Faith, p. 116.
90 James Webb, The Occult Establishment(La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Press, 1976),
pp. 396-397; the root of the word used for Westcott’s and Bailey’s Club means ‘club’.
91 Historic Faith, p. 108.
92 Robert Mueller, New Genesis: Shaping Global Spirituality(Garden City, New York: Doubleday
and Company, Inc. 1982), p. xv.
93 Life of Hort, Vol. I, pp. 458-459.
94 Founders of Psychical Research, p. 317.
95 Ibid., pp. 86-87.
96 The Dictionary of National Biography(London: Oxford University Press, 1937), pp. 42.43.
97 The Occult Underground, p. 359.
98 When Humanity Comes of Age, p. 24.
99 Founders of Psychical Research, pp. 305-307.
100 Ibid., 306.
101 The Fabians, pp. 18, 316.
102 Ibid., pp. 18, 299, 298, 53, 377; see also Saltar’s The Society for Psychical Research, p. 10.
103 Life of Hort, Vol. II, p. 34.
104 Life of Hort, VolI. P. 130.
105 Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 98.
106 Roy Livesey, Understanding the New Age(Chichester, Endland: New Wine Press, 1989),
p. 146.
107 The Seduction of Christianity, p. 50.
108 When Humanity Comes of Age, pp. 13, 218, 221, 222.
109 Understanding the New Age, p. 31.
110 A Crash Course on the New Age, pp. 28-33.
111 Orange County Register, (June 6, 1990), p. 1 as cited in Dave Hunt, The C.I.B. Bulletin, Vol. 6
No. 10(October, 1990), p. 1.
112 Historic Faith, p. 146.
113 I John 4:1, I John 2:18
114 Crash Course on the New Age, p. 134.

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