- The Necromancers
- Channelled Bibles and Doctrines of Devils
- The Occult Underground: Address for New Bible Translators
- The Ghostly Guild: Channeling’s Lineage
- Rosemary’s Baby: The Society for Psychical Research
- The Early S.P.R.’s Friends: Blavatsky and Westcott
- The One and the ‘One Life’
- Blavatsky and Westcott
- Satan’s Apostles
- Eranus
- The Council of Twelve
- New World Order
- Footnotes
- Possessed
- Related Reading
To disentomb the truth about the scribes involved in these translations we will go underground to James Webb’s classic The Occult Underground. The secular history unearths the roots of the New Age movement in the nineteenth century occult revival. In his sarcophagus of Westcott and Hort, still haunted by their ‘Ghostly Guild’. In his second chapter, his scholarly shovel shows us Phillip Schaff, member of the ‘New’ Greek text committee and also chairman for the American Standard Version (on which is based the Living Bible and New American Standard Version). His photo there among the leaders of the Parliament of World Religions captures the shoulder to shoulder hopes of the New World Religion. (Chapter 33 elaborates) It is noteworthy that a secular historian of the caliber of Webb, when presented the task of identifying the key events, people and organizations of the occult revival, included enterprises initiated by Westcott and Hort and endorsed by Schaff. Webb was perhaps unaware of the connection of these men with the bible and called them as he saw them. Webb’s third postmortem examination along this burial ground traces the Western origins of the New Age movement with Blavasky as one bookend and “the clerical eccentrics” as he calls them, as the other.
[W]hat the occult was. . .[is] Madame Blavastsky’s Theosophy, Eastern religion, astrology, geomancy, the Tarot cards, magic, secret societies. . .the clerical eccentricities over whom we have cast an eye. . .[All] form a part of the occult complex. . .(25)
Blavatsky’s writings, at the center of the New Age spider web, travel down the various radiating strands shadowing their prey – the seasoned New Ager. The concentric strands with their sticky coating tether the spider’s unsuspecting victim – the naïve Christian. The blatant occultist and subtle clergy weave Satan’s web together to form the trap. Christians are haplessly being caught on the thread that runs through the new bibles. The previous and subsequent particulars offered in this book will hopefully unravel the network before it binds and finally strangles unsuspecting Christians.