The One and the ‘One Life’

This entry is part 7 of 15 in the series New Age Bible Versions

“There is one life….” B.F. Westcott 62 “There is one life….” H.P. Blavatsky 63

You are not looking into a mirror. Or are you? Westcott’s ‘one life’ was penned as late as 1891, long after he had finished the ‘New’ Greek Text’ and after Blavatsky had published her ‘Holy Satan’ bible (The Secret Doctrine). Their duet is further repeated in their explanation of the ‘one life’. Blavatsky gives us the Reader’s Digest version, while Westcott co-authors the clergymen’s long-winded edition.

“[T]here is one life which has “There is one life, eternal, expression in many forms”64 invisible.”67 “…the one life is fulfilled in Blavatsky many parts…”65

“To make of life one harmonious whole, to realize the invisible.”66 Westcott

Chapter 5, “The One”, clarified for the reader what this ‘one life’ involves. Westcott reiterates by describing it as,

[T]he connection by which we are bound to one another …is found to be more powerful and more far-reaching. It is the element—one element—in the idea of life which has been specially revealed to us in this age.68

Today Vera Alder repeats this for her New Age readers in When Humanity Comes of Age.

[E]ach person’s conciousness is a cell in the world mind. ..our minds are all linked together across the ethers, because we are all part of one great life and therefore one great mind…the one mind life.69

The circle of time closes as Alder recommends: 1) Lucifer Publishing Co. [Lucis Trust], publisher of Blavatsky’s ‘Holy Satan’ and 2) Rudolf Steiner, author of The Esoteric Basis of Christianity. His comments on “the one life” lead readers to Blavatsky’s newsletter Lucifer; then he closes the circle with “The Society of Psychical Research.”70

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