Newton on Prophecy

"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."

Sir Issac Newton 1642-1727

Sir Issac NewtonSir Isaac Newton was likely one of the greatest scientist who ever lived. He made fundamental contributions to every major area of scientific and mathematical concern in his generation. He made revolutionary advances in mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy. He actually invented the mathematic discipline known as calculus.

In addition to his unequaled mental capability, Newton was also an ardent Bible scholar who was very fluent in the ancient languages. He studied and translated the book of Daniel from the original Hebrew and his interpretations are the foundation of a book entitled, NEWTON'S PROPHECIES OF DANIEL, by the Oregon Institute Of Science and Medicine.

Regarding his perception of how God was working in the lives of men in revealing truths from the Word of God, Newton wrote:

"Amongst the Interpreters of the last age
there is scarce one of note who hath not made some
discovery worth knowing; and thence seem to gather
that God is about opening these mysteries.
The success of others put me upon considering it; and
if I have done anything which may be useful to following
writers, I have my design."

Newton's keen insight into Daniel's prophecies may be the greatest contribution he ever made.

Almost 300 years ago, Sir Isaac Newton was given prophetic insight into our present time. God has raised up a group of men and women who are insisting upon a literal interpretation of Daniel's Prophecies.

There is a great deal of resistance to it, as well as much "clamor and opposition." But god's Word is just that: God's Word! Men can either listen to it and believe what it says, or they can disregard it and miss out on what God is really saying.

If Newton were alive today, most Prophecy students would probably label him as a date setter. And yet, all he is really doing is insisting upon a literal interpretation of the prophecies. By so doing, he arrives at the conclusion that the Messiah the Prince will return 49 years after Israel issues her call to return and rebuild their new nation.


The "70 Weeks" Of Daniel are critical to our understanding of Endtime Prophecy. Modern Bible scholars have created a "traditional" interpretation that may have, "rendered the Word of God of no effect" (Mark 7:13).

Almost 300 years ago, Sir Isaac Newton wrote on the Prophecies of Daniel. Newton was one of the greatest scientist who ever lived. He was an ardent Bible scholar who studied and translated the prophecies of Daniel from the original Hebrew. The following highlights some of his important insight.


Newton contended that the 70 weeks represent 490 years that ended with the death of Jesus Christ (from NEWTON'S PROPHECIES OF DANIEL):

"Seventy weeks are cut out upon thy people
and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, etc.
Here, by putting a week
for seven years, are reckoned 490 years
from the time the dispersed Jews should be
re-incorporated into a people and a holy
city, until the death and resurrection of
Christ; whereby transgression should be
finished, and sins ended, iniquity be
expiated, and everlasting righteousness
brought in and this Vision be accomplished
and the Prophet consummated, that Prophet
whom the Jews expected; and whereby the
he most Holy should be anointed, he who
is therefore in the next words called the
Anointed, that is, the Messiah, or the
Christ. For by joining the accomplishment
of the vision with the expiation of sins,
the 490 years are ended with the death of

Newton outlined this 490 years as follows:

"Now the dispersed Jews became a people
and city when they first the
seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimanus when
Ezra returned with a body of Jews from
captivity, and revived the Jewish worship; judge & govern the people according
to the laws of God & the King, Ezra vii.25
There were but two returns from captivity,
Zerubbabel's and Ezra's; in Zerubbabel's
they had only the commission to build the
Temple, in Ezra's they first became a city
by a government of their own. Now the
years of this Artaxerxes...was in the year
(458 B.C.) Count the time from thence to
the death of Christ, and you will find it
just 490 years."

Newton felt that the 70 weeks of Daniel were completed with the death of Christ around the year 33 or 34 A.D. In addition to the completion of these 490 years, Newton also believed there was a significance to the 7 weeks, 62 weeks, 1 week and 1/2 Or a week.

For a summary of Newton's interpretations of the 7 weeks and the 62 weeks, please review DANIEL UNSEALED. In this exciting booklet, Newton shows how the 62 weeks related to the First Coming of Christ. From 436 B.C. Newton counts 434 years (62 x 7 = 434) to arrive at the birth of Christ around the year 2 B.C.

Newton then shows how the 7 weeks relate to the Second Coming of Christ. 7 weeks of years, or 49 years, is the time between the call to return to the land of Israel and the coming of the Messiah the Prince. After 62 weeks the Messiah was cut off. After the 7 weeks He will come as Messiah the Prince. The 49 years began on May 14, 1948 with the call to return and rebuild Israel. Those 49 years will end very shortly when Jesus comes as Prince to take His bride.


Newton's interpretation of Daniel's 1 week is rather brief:

"Yet shall he confirm the covenant with many for one week. He kept it, notwith standing his death, till the rejection of the Jews, and calling of Cornelius and the Gentiles in the seventh year after his passion."

Like a growing number of Bible scholars, Sir Isaac Newton felt that the 1 week portion of Daniel's prophecy related to Jesus Christ and not the Anti-christ, as modern day Bible scholars teach.

The covenant Daniel was referring to was the one mentioned previously:

"O, Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and obey his commands... "

(Daniel 9:4)

Daniel begins his prayer to God by referring to God's covenant of love and mercy. God sends his answer to Daniel through the angel Gabriel:

"He will confirm the covenant with many for one week. . . "

(Daniel 9:27)

Could it be as simple as Newton states? Did Jesus confirm the "covenant with many" of Daniel's people, in other words, Israel?

Remember what Jesus said in Mark 14:24:

"And He said unto them, this is my blood of the new testamenf (covenant), which is shed for many."

Did Jesus confirm His covenant of love and mercy with Daniel's people for 7 years? According to Newton, there was a 7 year period between the death of Christ and the time the Gospel was sent out to the Gentiles at the calling of Cornelius. If this is correct, then this could be the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy.

The new covenant was a "strengthened" one which was offered to the Jews from the time of Christ's death until it was also sent to the Gentiles. The word for "confirm" is "strengthened",in the Hebrew. If this period was 7 years long as Newton says, then it could represent the correct solution.


Newton's interpretation of Daniel's half a week is also quite brief:

"And in half a week he shall cause the

sacrifice and oblation to cease; that is,

by the war of the Romans upon the Jews:

which war, after some commotions, began in

the 13th year of Nero , A.D. 67, in the

Spring when Vespasian with an army invaded

them; and ended in the second year of

Vespasian, A.D. 70, in autumn, September 7

when Titus took the city, having burnt the

Temple 27 days before: so that it lasted

three years and an half."

Newton felt that this portion of Daniel's prophecy was fulfilled at the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in A.D. 70. The fact that this siege lasted for 3 1/2 years is recorded in history. It seems more than coincidence that Daniel's prophecy does mention a 3 1/2 year period after which the Temple sacrifices would cease. If Newton's interpretations are correct, it helps answer many questions which surround this prophecy of Daniel.

Newton summarised his findings regarding the prophecy by saying:

"Thus have we in this short Prophecy, a

prediction of all the main periods re

lating to the coming of the Messiah; the

time of his birth, that of his death, that

of the rejection of the Jews, the duration

of the Jewish war whereby he caused the

city and sanctuary to be destroyed, and

the time of his second coming: and so the

interpretation here given is more full and

complete and adequate to the design, than

if we should restrain it to his first

coming only, as Interpreters usually do.

We avoid also the doing violence to the

language of Daniel, by taking the 7 weeks

and 62 weeks for one number. Had that

been Daniel's meaning, he would have said

sixty and nine weeks, and not seven weeks

and sixty two weeks, a way of numbering

used by no nation."

Newton's observations are well worth noting, and should be seriously considered. The fact that his interpretations all appear to tie in with significant dates in history should not be overlooked. If Newton is correct, then the Word of God actually records the year Jesus Christ will return! Get ready and tell others this exciting good news!