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Origins of the Three Interpretations

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The Early Fathers - Times And Seasons, How did they interpret prophetic times?
Historicism, Futurism, Preterism by Lawrence R. Kellie
The Roots of Apostasy by Michael de Semlyen
Luther and English Apocalypticism
Jesuit Origins of Futurism Proven by Rand Winburn
The Development of a Literalist Christian Zionist Hermeneutic by Stephen Sizer
A Study Of The Inconsistant Theology Of Modern Day Bible Prophecy by Charlie Samples
The Catholic Origins of Futurism and Preterism by
Three Prophecy Schools by Ron Abel
A Graphical Comparison by Phillip Johnson
The Identity of Antichrist by Present Truth
Preterism, Futurism, Historicism by Champs of Truth
Founders of "Mainline" Churches Knew Who Anti-Christ Was
The Evil Empire of Jesuit Futurism from Left Behind Deception
The Foundations of Futurism and Preterism by The Gospel Herald
Historicism, Futurism, Preterism by Lawrence Kellie
Cross Roads in Prophetic Interpretation by Gerhard Hasel
THE ANTI CHRIST Unveiled by Richard Bennett
Preterist, Futurist, Historicist by Antipas
Anti-Christ or Christ by Antipas
Origin of Current Views About Antichrist by Antipas
Historicist vs. Futurist by Irvin Baxter Jr.

E.B Elliott, Horae Apocalypticae
On the origins of the three interpretations

Critical Examination of the Chief Counter-Schemes of Apocalyptic Interpretation
German Neronic Preaterist Counter-Scheme
Bossuet's Domitianic Preaterist Counter-Scheme
Futurist Original Apocalyptic Counter-Scheme
Modified Futurist Counter-Schemes of Barker and W. Kelly
Patristic Views of Prophecy and Anti-Christ

Prophecy Overview 2 Peter 1:19-21 (Explains why the Book which the Spirit of the Lord describes as a "Revelation" has become instead a "Mystery" to so many people. Exposes the "Jesuit" origins of the "Futurist" system of interpretation which has captivated and confused the majority of the Evangelical world today.) Listen to this first. Need Real Audio to listen.

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