The Necromancers
A cannonball, in the form of a new and altered Greek New Testament text, was catapulted in the 1880’s by two pirates. Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Antho...
This series looks at the occult influence on new age Bible versions.
A cannonball, in the form of a new and altered Greek New Testament text, was catapulted in the 1880’s by two pirates. Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Antho...
The 1990’s box office his “Ghosts” with its all star cast, is steering a generation of movie goers to séances and mediums. The Stanford Research Institute repor...
To disentomb the truth about the scribes involved in these translations we will go underground to James Webb’s classic The Occult Underground. The secular histo...
Westcott and Hort were not only ‘Fathers’ in the Angelican church but, according to numerous historians and New Age researchers, appear to be among the ‘Fathers...
Historians researching this period reveal that other ‘Ghostly Guild’ members became its ‘front men’. Benson and Westcott were not above stalking impressionable ...
Man, Myth and Magic’s prospectus on H.P. Blavatsky haunts us, raking up the past to cue us that the S.P.R. was “not unfavorable to theosophy [Lucifer worship] a...
“There is one life….” B.F. Westcott 62 “There is one life….” H.P. Blavatsky 63 You are not looking into a mirror. Or are you? Westcott’s ‘one life’ was penned a...
“[T]hey love their early faith, Their is no religion higher but they love truth more.” 71 than Truth.” 72 B.F. Westcott H.P. Blavatsky To what can we attribute ...
During this period (the 1870’s and early 1880’s), the bond between the S.P.R.’s Henry Sidgwick and the bible revisors, Westcott, Hort and Lightfoot, became tigh...
In 1872 Westcott started another group which he named the ‘Eranus’. Sidgwick was, of course, one of the select members, as was another S.P.R. official, Arthur B...