Three men joined had joined forces to silence Henry Ford in 1920, Jacob Schiff, Cyrus Alder and Louis Marshall.*1 The activities of this elite triumvirate are legendary and wide ranging. Schiff waged a virtual private war against Czarist Russia from the 1890’s until 1917. Many believe he financed the Bolshevik Revolution that ended Czarist rule. Ford singled him out as a perfect example of a malevolent Jewish financier in the pages of the Dearborn Independent.
Cyrus Alder was the founder of the Jewish Historical Society and on the Board of the Jewish Seminary,*2 but our focus is on Samuel Untermeyer’s illustrious law partner Louis Marshall.
Louis Marshall’s Jewish parents immigrated from Germany in 1849. He was born in
Syracuse, N.Y. in 1856. From his childhood Louis was a scholar and a linguist. He applied himself to studying French, German, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He went through Columbia Law school in half the normal time and was admitted to the bar in 1878. *3
In 1894, he was recruited by Samuel Untermeyer to join his law firm in New York. Through the Untermeyer family Louis was introduced to their cousin, Florence Lowenstein and was married settling on East 77th Street. They had four children. Marshall was more than Untermeyer’s law partner, he and Untermeyer had family ties. *4
In 1906, Marshall, Adler and Schiff worked to set up the American Jewish Committee on which he would serve as President from 1912 until his death in 1929.*5 The AJC was the single most powerful body in world jewry.
He made a famous appearance at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 in the company of Colonel Mandel House.*6 Some say that Mandell House although virtual president behind Woodrow Wilson was little more than Jacob Schiff’s courier. Others say that House was controlled by Schiff’s close friend Louis Marshall. The picture of these two together at Paris in 1919 lends credence to this idea.
Marshall and Untermeyer entered the fight against what they considered the libelous attacks of the Dearborn Independent in 1920 and continued to fight Ford until they drafted his recantation in 1927. Ford made a personal visit to meet Louis Marshall at their law office at 120 Broadway after the recantation had been published.*7 Although it is not stated, it is hard to imagine that Untermeyer would have missed that event.
Elizabeth Dilling wrote that a book could be written on the powers wielded by Marshall and his sons and their communistic Marshall Foundation. In the “House Committee on Un-American Activities Dies Report: Communist Front Organizations, there are no less than 27 listings.”*8 Little is written of Untermeyer’s communist activities or affiliations. However, his affiliation with Marshall is in itself incriminating.
There is a great deal of information about Louis Marshall on the internet and in histories of the period. Just remember that while Louis Marshall eclipsed his partner in influence and power, that the two men were very close. While the spotlight was on Louis Marshall, Samuel Untermeyer was in the wings.
And yet with all this high-tension pro-Jewish activity, Mr. Marshall was not a self-advertising man, as was his law partner. Marshall was a name, a power, not so much a public figure.
Samuel Untermeyer however had the reputation of being “the arch-inquisitor against the Gentiles.” *9
*1 Henry Ford and the Jews, Neil Baldwin, Public Affairs, New York, 2001; page 108.
*2 Ibid 112.
*3 Ibid 116.
*4 Ibid 117.
*5 Ibid 118.
*6 The International Jew by Henry Ford, Books On-Line by Noontide Press,
America’s Jewish Enigma – Louis Marshall from the Dearborn Independent
Issue 26 November 1921.
*7 Henry Ford and the Jews, page 255.
*8 This was an extract from a text regarding the provenance of the “Protocols” written by Elizabeth Dilling. It appeared as an introduction to The International Jew by Henry Ford on
the web site
*9 Ibid, The International Jew.