Chart of Protestant Reformers
Image Name(s) Birth Death Cause of Death Education Vocation(s) Associated Tradition Works Overview James Arminius; Jacobus Arminius; JacobHermansz 1560Oudewater...
Image Name(s) Birth Death Cause of Death Education Vocation(s) Associated Tradition Works Overview James Arminius; Jacobus Arminius; JacobHermansz 1560Oudewater...
John Wycliffe (1330-84) Attacked what he saw as corruptions within the church, including: The sale of indulgences Pilgrimages The excessive veneration of saints...
Here, I am going to develop two particular aspects of ecclesial history that are often neglected by Western historians: The reign of Innocent III as Pontiff in ...
PLACES: John Wyclif, Translator and Controversialist John Wyclif – help for understanding ScriptureJohn Wycliffe English theologian and reformer John Wycl...
From His 1536 Work, Institutes of the Christian Religion On The Fulfillment of Joel 2:32 “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, ...
A Study by Frank W. Dowsett. Part Seven. The Reformation. Having now concluded our studies on the Second Woe, or Sixth Trumpet, we note that the description of ...
Since the early 1930s the Scofield Reference Bible has been promoted as THE source for interpreting Revelation and the end times. Almost all the current Dispens...
From Horae Apocalypticae Vol IV Fifth Edition History of Apocalyptic Interpretation AD 1610 to French Revolution Pages 519-521 by EB Elloit Read Rev. ElloitR...
The Falling Away Jack Van Impe Presents Transcript 7-23-95 “Because 1 Timothy 4:1 says that in the latter days some shall depart from the faith. And in 2 ...
The “Earthquake” of Revelation 11:13 from Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers by Le Roy Froom The papal reaction of the seventeenth century was followed ...